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Happy Hour- NECA Planet of the Apes and Third Party Dinobots!

Not much going on this week. But what do you expect, comparing it to last week? In fact, I may be a little burned out on toys. We’ve seen so much stuff, stuff that we won’t be able to buy for months. Some even longer than a few months. I just want to sit back and not buy anything for a while. Maybe go on a sabbatical from toys. Maybe knitting? Stamps? Twilight? Oh hell no, you know I’m just joking! I want to find some Game of Thrones toys, or I need some more AIM soldiers. I’m not tired, I’m restless! It’s Happy Hour!

NECA continues their Monkey Mondays with test shots of Maurice and Caesar from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes!

1912533_680927708636284_2141555624_nI get more and more excited the more I see. Look at the different postures and stances of the multiple Caesars. Hunched, straight up, doesn’t matter. He looks great. Even sitting isn’t half bad. Now to wait and see on range of motions, especially the ankles and knees.

Plus, I love the look of unpainted sculpts. You can see how well it matches the source without the color skewing your perception. I have a lot of faith that the final paint will be fantastic.

I don’t follow Transformers closely, but I know what I like and these Third Party Dinobots may be right up my alley.

I never found MP Grimlock but am considering the rerelease coming soon. But if the not-Snarl is any indication of how nice their not-Grimlock will be I might just have to go ahead and order these. Especially if they all fit together well like Dinobots should.

And then, sadly, there’s this…

1669716_794984430529401_1845347237_oHarold Ramis passed away today at the age of 69. My 9 year old son loves Ghostbusters and I haven’t had the heart to tell him yet. But how awesome is that? A 9 year old who adores a 30 year old movie. Me, I’ll always think of Stripes when I think of Ramis. It’s a sad day.
