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Fwoosh Happy Hour- Transformers Third Party Warbotron, S.H. MonsterArts Alien, and Captain America:The Winter Soldier!

Lean night tonight, and late, but I had to run up to a buddy’s house. This guy hit the convention circuit hardcore, runs a booth. I know what you are thinking. You may be right. But I’ve never been in a toy warehouse so this was pretty exciting. So much old stuff, walls and shelves lined, so many toys I didn’t see a quarter of it. And you know how you have to look at the toy aisle several times to make sure you didn’t miss anything? It was like that times one hundred. Just insane. I can’t imagine keeping track of something that massive. What? No, that’s not what she said. It’s Happy Hour!

BigBadToyStore revealed the first full color images of Warbotron WB_01A- Air Burst!

You can see more pics and preorder on BBTS.

I can barely afford regular Transformers let alone third party items, but this one is tugging at me for some reason. Do I really want to fall into that rabbit hole?

Why does everything I type tonight read like bad innuendo?

Pabs done got himself some S.H. MonsterArts Alien Warriors and sent me these teasers!

Look for the full review soon.

I know you were thinking toys for this snippet, sorry about that. But four new character posters for Captain America: The Winter Soldier was revealed today.

Purty! You guys already know I’m super excited for this movie and new images just makes the wait that much harder.

And then there’s this…

640Apparently Tom Hiddleston was up for Thor before being cast as Loki, according to the extras on the upcoming Thor: The Dark World dvd/blu-ray. Um. No.

Happy Hour’s over!