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Fwoosh Week in Review – 8/30/9


As if this column couldn’t be worse

this time it’s going to be in verse
and as if that weren’t a bad enough curse
I’m going to rhyme “verse” with the Microverse!

In this forum it’s been quite quiet
after the settling of the SDCC riot
the (rather good) two packs are still being found
and the Nemesis wave is still coming around

A handful of fwooshers own MU wave 5
others are still waiting for them to arrive
nobody cares for those cartoon Iron Men
looks like Hasbro dropped the ball again!

Marvel Select’s Sabretooth is liked by some
but others think his size is just dumb
he’s very nineties, roided out and huge
Making X-men cartoon fans splooge

Over at the competition, the Multiverse
5 pack Luthor is making matters worse
yes, I rhymed “verse” and “worse” once more
I am a total rhyming whore

jerkoffs are removing Luthor from the boxes
and replacing him with other figs, the sly foxes
and by “sly” I mean jackasses, but oh well
there’s a special seat for them in toy hell!

wave 8, wave 9, they’re all converging at once
cramming wave after wave into the summer months
10 will be coming soon, followed be eleven and twelve

many fwooshers feel the angst of my plight
and are venting their rage on our humble site
they’re wading through a sea of Beetles and Boosters
the tragedy would make a bestseller from Simon and Schuster

Hey, if you want good rhymes, resurrect Poe
I’m making this crap up as I go
I’m not proud, as you can clearly see
blame Samuron…or maybe Veebee!

onward to the universe expanded we continue
some new pictures of Scareglow for us to view
Webstor’s the figure coming out by mid-September
hopefully those without a subscription will remember

In the Bar with No Name, Boy wonder made a thread
he’s been here five years…and has a big head?
I just report the news, I don’t invent it
like the mailman delivers the mail…he never sent it

and now, a public service announcement, from sexyvonpoopy
if I don’t announce it he’ll get all droopy
the secret santa signup deadline is tomorrow
by 11:59 PM, miss it and live in sorrow

so that concludes our fwoosh week in review
a tiny present, from fwoosh to you
if this week’s format seems a little lame
it’s only done to keep myself sane

good night everyone!

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