The Four Horsemen were at their usual spot at the Action Figure Express booth this year and showed off prototypes for all of their Kickstarter funded Raven variants, new Outer Space Men figures, and Power Lords prototypes and test shots. I also got some pics of the amazing Castle Grayskull statue add-on pack and a prototype Snake Mountain statue! Take a look!
The Ravens (Pledge at Kickstarter to reserve yours today!)
The new female Outer Space Men figures were on hand. The one I found fascinating is the female Metamorpho. She has this slightly clear skull face that almost has a glowing effect. I didn’t quite capture it here, but it was striking in person.
There was a new Power Lords prototype Sydot that I hadn’t seen before. It’s always great to see these things in person.
Last, but certainly not least, is the really cool Filmation bridge add-on pack for the Castle Grayskull statue and the Snake Mountain prototype. I love how they managed to merge the Filmation and Mattel versions of Snake Mountain together here. Cool stuff.