Fwoosh is a big forum, and we can’t expect the members to read every thread in every subforum. Well, actually, we can and do expect it, it was in the tiny print when you joined. So if you’re not doing it, we can and will take legal action against you. And by “legal action” I mean we write your screen name on a legal pad and then write swear words beside it. That’ll learn you.
Welcome to a column that will in essence summarize the entirety of a week’s worth of fwoosh for you. Exhaustive man-hours went into this project. Blood, sweat and tears. Earth Wind and Fire. Emerson Lake and Palmer. And so forth.
Note: summarizing the posts made by verbose poster Smartest Way To Advertise will not be included in this column. Those require a separate column. Plus helper monkeys. Pray for Mojo. The monkey, not the fat butt-gut bastard.
I’m kidding, ya big long wordy postmaker.
The Microverse:
Boy wonder efficiently capsulizes the reason why you should read every fwoosh post or risk being out of the loop:
I don’t frequent the Marvel boards much anymore and just saw this, can anyone summarize the near 40 pages of info for me?
Balthus Dire answers, and saves himself from “legal Action”!
Wizard World convention showed a few pics of upcoming Legends that included: Warpath, Multiple Man, and Lady Bullseye. Then, Hasbro revealed that they are part of a new wave of 16-18 prototypes that will be shown at SDCC this year.
From those 16-18 prototypes, the fans will choose 3 in a voting poll and Hasbro will choose the other 3. Those 6 will become a wave of two-packs for 2010.
That’s basically it so far.
The former Negative Zone has been aflutter–yes, aflutter–with the recent information about Marvel legends. The teaser images of Lady Bullseye, Warpath and Madrox and the info that there will be a Hasbro assisted fan choice two pack wave have sent the toy community into equal parts head-scratching wonderment at the character choices, apoplectic rage, and anticipatory eagerness. Some people have felt all these at once. Sometimes in the same post. Imagine the sound of one hand clapping. Oh yeah, it’s just like that.
It’s all a bit like a radio drama. “Does Hasbro have plans for ML? :keyboard sting: Does Hasbro want to…kill ML? :descending riff: Will NORM be able to identify the parts used in the next previewed figures? :woman screams: Tune in next week for another exciting installment of….Fall of the Legends!!!!! :dun dun duuuuuuuuun:
In other Marvel news, The Nemesis wave still has not hit stores yet, and Beast still REALLY REALLY likes the 4 inch Marvel Universe figures.
The Multiverse:
In a shocking announcement this week that has rocked the DC fans to the very core of their being, we found out that TOY COMPANIES LIKE MONEY! I’m not talking just ordinary “like”, I mean checking the box on the note that says “I like you like you” like. This information followed the announcement that there may be a price increase of DCUC to 15 dollars. Each! That’s half of 30 dollars! That’s a quarter of an hour! That’s the age of the hot girl on the disney channel that you probably shouldn’t be having those thoughts about…but you do anyway!
This news of an ephemeral price hike whose details have not been finalized in any conclusive manner has led many to proclaim this to be “the end of DCUC”.
Not before I have my Ambush Bug, you gun-jumping sunsabeetches.
And Piffy his AAAAAAAAAAZTEK!!!!!!1111
And a bunch of other people have their figures.
For some it would signal the end of their collecting, like for Alkatrazzzzzzzzzzz (oops, I fell asleep while typing):
WOW, r u serious.. 15 bucks a fig??? I guess this will be the end of my toy buying!!
Wadsworth had more to add later:
if you love something, set it free. lets kill it and move on instead of letting it die slowly.
Now you know who to blame. HE KILLED DCUC! GIDDIM!
We’ve also learned–via Wal-mart’s computer system–the wal-mart exclusive wave 10’s lineup: Batman, Joker, Power Girl, Man-Bat, Robotman and Beast Boy, a lineup that is certified as “Officially frickin’ awesome” and was awarded a Gold Medal by the Olympic committee. After the difficulty in the last wal-mart exclusive wave, this has many fwooshers paralyzed with paralyzing paralytic fear that they won’t be able to find them. Apparently some fwooshers still haven’t found them. Some fwooshers in fact haven’t even found their local wal-mart. They’re just driving around their neighborhood holding out a fistful of dollar bills, hoping someone will toss them a Riddler.
I’ve tried it. While I did not find any toys, I did get a date for Saturday night. She had a deep voice. And a bump in her throat.
In other DC news, wave 8 has still not hit stores yet. How can I have any pudding if I don’t eat my meat?!?!?
The Expanded Universe:
This not being a week when a new MotU came out and sold out within a half hour, not much is happening. Rampant speculation is occuring as to future figures. Ram-Pant is Ram-Man’s even stupider twin brother. And Veebee probably already has Ram-Pant, and has already written a Fwoosh first look about him.
Some people bought Transformers toys. Marvel Knight 2099 REALLY LIKES THEM. Or something.
The Macroverse:
New 4h stuff is coming out. Buncha cat ladies. And variants. Fwoosh has one. Sexy.
Bar with No Name:
Slow week. Cool picture thread grew. umm…some people changed their avatars.
Comic Relief:
Slow Week. Comics did stuff.
The Multiplex:
Everyone in Hollywood has died lately. two particularly divisive threads have been the Michael Jackson death thread, and the Transformers ROTF movie thread. Never has the internet community been so split. Was Megatron a child molestor? Did Michael Jackson make the transforming noise as he died? Was Bubbles the monkey in the movie? LaToya being voiced by Frank Welker? Tito teleports? Shocking, shocking news across the board.
NorrinRadd only made a couple threads, instead of his usual 4.9 katrillion. Hort hort hort.
We have a new forum, the Cheap seats, where sports related discussion goes. Which means I can now freely ignore that entire forum. Score!
The Soapbox:
In round 30 of Tenbones vs. the popular perception of religion, it’s still a tie. We learned that homosexuality
occurs all throughout nature. Which is proof that Joan Rivers is in fact not gay, since there’s nothing natural about her anymore.
Oh yes, a Joan Rivers joke. my wayback machine goes to 11.
People posted customs in the Custom galleries, but we have new custom Tuesdays to cover that, so bammo.
And that’s that. In future installments of this column (if such a thing comes to pass) I may be picking and choosing more quotes from fwooshers to highlight the goings-on of the week. So prepare. And beware.
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