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Demanded Characters – Steppenwolf

Welcome back to another edition of Demanded Characters. This month we will dive headfirst into the dark side of the Fourth world.  We first took a brief look at all the bad guys who served Lord Darkseid back when the column was new.  I thought the month associated with dark magic and spooky stories would be a great time to look over the minions of Darkseid.  Our first bad guy this month is one familiar to those fans of Kirby’s Fourth world as well as Super Powers fans: Steppenwolf.

Last week while the classic Katma seemed to be keeping up with Jade out of the gate, the week long poll showed the recently deceased won the final battle.  But a surprise entry of Arisia showed that while the two classic green ladies may be fan favorites, so is the new Arisia. 

Read last weeks Column

The uncle to Darkseid and leader of the Darkseid Elite, Steppenwolf is a ruthless warrior. There is no doubt when talking about the New God that Steppenwolf is not one the more goofy or mindless followers.  Steppenwolf is a fierce soldier who is a master at hand to hand combat. Not only is he one of Darksied’s most trusted members, but he is also a master of the beasts who lives on Apokolips. 

During one of the many battles between New Genesis and Apokolips, Steppenwolf was killed in battle.  Darkseid used his powers to resurrect Steppenwolf,  making Steppenwolf one of his most important supporters.

There are 3 major looks that the New God has had over the years.  There is the Kirby- era Green, the Super Powers red, and the Modern era Orange.   

The green look is very hunter-esque.  This look has many layers and will lend itself well to detail if the Four Horsemen get a hold of it.  This costume is a look that really brings out the essence of the character. He seems more like a fairy tale hunter, and really speaks to the type of character who is a warrior and animal tamer.  

The red look is something that anyone who grew up in the 80s wants and wants bad.  With the classic Satellite look of the figures in this line there is no doubt this is the Super Powers line of today.  The costume is very detailed and could be one of the best looks the Four Horsemen have done if they get the chance.  The look with the giant axe and the spikes just seems to be screaming to be made.  I think while most people who read the Fourth world books would identify with the hunter look, those of us who grew up with Super Powers want the red look just as much.

The final look is the newest look and seems almost generic.  It has are the spikes but also the chain mail-like hood, which seems to meld the two other looks.  He seems like an old charter update for today, but the look is far from iconic. Still, I wonder what the Horsemen would do to make this design really look good.

So what version of Steppenwolf do you want as part of the DCUC line?

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