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Marvel Legends Archives: Series 11

Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 11 Legendary Riders Ultron Featured

Welcome to the official Fwoosh Marvel Legends Archives. In this topic you will find complete and accurate (to the best of our abilities) information on every character in every series of Marvel Legends. We will feature release dates, figure information (including variant information, accessories, points of articulation and sculptors), and links to pictures in the Fwoosh Archive (as they become available). We hope that this will be a good resource for current fans of the line and anyone wanting some background information on Marvel Comics Greatest Superheroes and Villains.

This guide is an on-going work-in-progress. We will continue to update the guide as new information, picture availability and series are released so check back often. Please remember: this guide is for YOU so if you have and questions, comments or condemnations let us know.

Marvel Legends – Series 11

Iron Man – HulkBuster

Everyone loves a new Iron Man suit or armor. And everyone loves a Hulk busting Iron Man suit of armor! Toy Biz delivers another huge chunk of plastic. I don’t know how they continue to get away with this but they do! The best part of this figure might be opening hatch that reveals Tony Stark sitting in a cockpit of sorts.

*Update June 2014*

Original Pictures

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Glider
Production Year: 2005


Vengence is a Ghost Rider character and I’m a bit confused about his inclusion into this line-up. He is a part of the Series 3 Ghost Rider story lines, and makes sense in that regard. This is a beautiful figure and the chopper he rides on is also well done.

Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 31
Base/Accessories: Hell Cycle
Production Year: 2005

Wonder Man

Another collector favorite Avenger makes his way into the lineup, in his new digs. Well not so new, he’s been wearing them since the ’80s in one form of another. Personally I wanted the safari jacket Wondy, but this will do. Utilizing the Series 10 Black Panther buck, Wondy looked to be a strong contender as a great figure. But something happened during production and the pop and sharpness of the prototype and even that associated with Black Panther disappeared.

Wonder Man – Ionic (Variant)

Toy Biz released a variant of Wonder Man in his current ionic state. It’s a great nod to the current comics and I like the idea and concept. And any Jolly Rancher figures are a bonus in my book. Sadly the plastic used seems to be suffering even more and the figures reportedly have major warping in their legs and feet.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Hover Bike, Removable Mini Yellow Jacket
Production Year: 2005

Logan (Days of Future Past)

Days of Future past is a mess of a story line that just infected the X-Men universe in such a negative way that I don’t have enough pages on this site to write about it. As a one shot, the idea of future Kitty Pride coming back in time to avert a future disaster was great. But it wouldn’t die and kept creeping into the X-Men stories. However we did get a snazzy comic cover with a great representation of old Wolverine on it. And we now get a toy of it! This is variation of the Weapon X Wolverine from Series 7.

Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 32
Base/Accessories: Motorcycle, Removable Jacket
Production Year: 2005

Logan (Modern)

This is just a variant of the Days of Future past Wolverine, just younger. It’s a good variant and one that makes sense. It gives all the collectors out there a non costumed version of Wolverine.

Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 32
Base/Accessories: Motorcycle, Removable Jacket
Production Year: 2005


Another collector favorite! Utilizing the Series 9 Bullseye buck, this guy can now go palling around with Deadpool. It’s not a great figure, in that yes it is a solid action figure and it is Taskmaster, but it’s not big enough. Tasky is always drawn and even listed as being a Captain America sized action figure. In this case he’s severely undersized, and that’s a bit of a bummer. Nevertheless, the sky cycle and the included weapons make this figure a ton of fun.

Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 44
Base/Accessories: Hover Bike, Removable Hooded Cape, Sword, Pistol, BillyClub, Quiver, Shield
Production Year: 2005

Scarlet Witch

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Like Series 10 Mystique this female figure came out looking like utter crap. The prototype was perfection, but this thing, ugh. I really don’t have anything good to say about this abomination. The internet is on fire.

*Update June 2014*

Original Pictures

Sculpted by:
POA: 31
Base/Accessories: Hover Bike
Production Year: 2005


Another collector want! I mean this character was in such demand that the rabid collector community was about to stand outside Jesse Falcon’s house with torches and pitch forks! And they did anyway. This Ultron design drew so much hate that it crashed he fwoosh multiple times over. And once the production design came out, the collector hate crashed the fwoosh some more. Oi.

*Update June 2014*

Original Pictures

Sculpted by: The Four Horsemen
POA: 29
Base/Accessories: Glider
Production Year: 2005

Thing – First Appearance

I like this figure. Sure it’s not the soft lumpy Jack Kirby version that everyone associates with Thing, but it’s a great modern interpretation of the figure. The figure is also great, the scale, the articulation, this is a pretty spot on figure and all future Thing figures need to use this as a base.

*Update June 2014*

Original Pictures

Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 32
Base/Accessories: Hover-Cycle
Production Year: 2005