Welcome to the official Fwoosh Marvel Legends Archives. In this topic you will find complete and accurate (to the best of our abilities) information on every character in every series of Marvel Legends. We will feature release dates, figure information (including variant information, accessories, points of articulation and sculptors), and links to pictures in the Fwoosh Archive (as they become available). We hope that this will be a good resource for current fans of the line and anyone wanting some background information on Marvel Comics Greatest Superheroes and Villains.
Marvel Legends – Series 7
Apocalypse was such a disappointment on so many levels. First off the sculpt was just wrong, sorry but Pocy never looked like this in the comics. Collectors all have done their best to apologize for this sculpt, but lets face it, this is Hulk in an Apocalypse Halloween costume. On top this insult, this figure was incredibly difficult to find. I mean like impossible.
Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 34
Base/Accessories: Egyption Ruins Base
Production Year: 2004
Silver Centurion Iron Man
There are 3 armors that are in huge demand from collectors, the Classic version (Series 1), Silver Centurion, and Neo Classic. We have 2 of them now! Silver Centurion is the super powerful pissed off Iron Man that went balls crazy on everyone for stealing his tech. The figure is based off the Series 1 sculpt with some new parts and new shiny paint job.
*Update March 2015*
Original Pictures
Sculpted by: Steve Kiwus & Dave Cortez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Removable Rocket Pack & Face Mask
Production Year: 2004
Ghost Rider
After release the Dan Ketch version in Series 3, Toy Biz finally decided it was time to release the original Johnny Blaze version. While they delivered this collector favorite, it’s not the old ’70s version that we expected. It’s a version of Blaze which is more skeletal and in a black costume, not the classic blue digs that we hoped for. The motorbike accessory is fantastic!
*Update February 2015*
Original Pictures
Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 37
Base/Accessories: Motorcycle
Production Year: 2004
Phasing Ghost Rider (Variant)
In an effort to appease the collector community, Toy Biz released an incredibly difficult to find variant of the same Ghost Rider figure as above but in blue digs and a head in mid-transformation. Sneakies Toy Biz.
Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 37
Base/Accessories: Motorcycle
Production Year: 2004
Weapon X
Weapon X was an interesting choice of Wolverine variations to release into Marvel Legends. I’m not certain there’s been a huge demand for this figure, but it is iconic, this is Wolverine after his adamantium transformation. The best part about this figure is that is sports a new sculpt and is more in scale with what expect from Wolverine, you his five foot frame closer. Now just make a tiger stripe and brown version for us!
Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 34
Base/Accessories: Swappable Heads, Adamantium Implantation Tank, Removable VR Training Gear
Production Year: 2004
Another classic Avenger makes it way into the line-up! On another controversial base figure. Collectors seem to be torn over this base as some like the thinner build and more wanted a bigger build. The articulation is all there and this figure does sport one of the better head sculpts in Marvel Legends.
Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 35
Base/Accessories: Clear Action Stand, Removable Cape
Production Year: 2004
Vision – Phasing
JOLLY RANCHER VISION! I loves me some good old fashioned Jolly Ranchers. Vision here is meant to be clear colors to represent his ability to turn non-solid and pass through walls, people, etc. This is a stunning figure, and was incredibly difficult to find on shelves.
Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 35
Base/Accessories: Clear Action Stand, Removable Cape
Production Year: 2004
One of the most requested figures of the wave, Hawkeye failed to really hit it home with collectors. Many of us are scale freaks going by the official listings in the Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe and seeing this scrappy undersized Hawkeye compare to the listing and Captain America really killed enthusiasm. The sculpt is fantastic and the articulation is on par with Marvel Legends; the figure is skinnier than expected. The other factor that catches ire from collectors are the bow legs, this guy has some serious saddle soreness. the accessories are perfect, especially Ant-Man on an arrow!
*Update June 2014*
Original Pictures
Sculpted by: Sam Greenwell
POA: 39
Base/Accessories: Bow and Trick Arrows, Hover Bike with Flying Stand
Production Year: 2004