Make My Marvel! brings you another in it’s long line of characters that will never ever be made as action figures. This time, however, this guy won’t be made just out of plain good taste.
Hate-Monger is at home listening to Mylie Cyrus: Breakout while playing Animal Crossing. Mood: Chipper!
Make My Marvel! – Hate-Monger
Our first fuzzybear to go by the Hate-Monger alias was 17th century Puritan Cotton Mather. During the ferver of the Salem Witch Trials, the Dark Rider appeared to Cotton and enabled him to travel into the 20th century. There, he kidnapped the Scarlet Witch and returned with her to his own time, the Vision and Spider-Man in pursuit. Back in the 17th century, Mather used the then semi-possessed Witch to further fuel the fiery goings-on of the Witch Trials. As there was nothing else on television at the time, what choice did the otherwise pleasant citizenry of the era have other than to grab their torches and commence to some good old fashioned immolatin’? Eventually, Spidey and the Vis, along with an unintentional assisst from Doctor Doom whom Mather mistook for an angel, were able to free Wanda and escape back to the 20th century. Mather’s reputation was irreversibly damaged by the whole ordeal and he was considered insane by the public from that point forth. Never one to let paranoia and hate of the unknown go to waste, Mather went on to help found Focus on the Family with James Dobson.
Contestant number deux is the hatin-est hater of them all: Adolf Hitler (Hitty-Cent to his peeps). The second Hate-Monger was in fact a succession of Hitler clones (’cause just one wasn’t good enough) with old strudel-puss’ mind transferred to it, courtesy of Arnim Zola. Hitlerkins 2.0 now had the abillity, upon death, to transfer his consciousness into another waiting clone body. He created the new Hate-Monger persona in order to hide his identity from the public, as well as a ray gun capable of fostering hate in any on whom it was used. Over decades he fought with the Fantastic Four, Captain America and Nick Fury. His criminal antics came to a pause when his sometime-ally/bridge partner the Red Skull tricked the Hate-Monger into trapping himself inside a false Cosmic Cube. Hate-Monger was eventually re-made and returned to hate-mongering, this time using subterfuge and politics as opposed to a ray gun to foster hatred of immigrants. He was apparently killed in battle with Captain America.
The third (hyphen-less) Hate Monger was a being who fed off of hatred. Like the other two before him, he attempted to incite unrest in the public and feed off their hatred of other ethnic groups. He had several run-ins with Cap as Nomad but it was the Hulk who ultimately defeated him. Hate Monger, now going by "Animus" attempted to feed off the boundless anger and hate in the Hulk. It ultimately proved too much for him as he blissfully dissolved in a wave of Banner’s hatred.
Hate-Monger number four was a shap-shifting creation of Psycho Man. This Hate-Monger was far less notable than his predecessors, save for having facillitated the first of Sue Richard’s transformations into her (more) sluttish alter-ego, Malice. He’s dead now and doesn’t do much anymore.
Man-Beast became the fifth Hate-Monger when he adopted the title to sew unrest. He planned to use a hate-ray of his own invention on the public via television. Proving himself the second-worst and most short-lived Hate-Monger, Man-Beast was quickly defeated by the likes of Flash Thompson, Razorback, Brother Power and Sister Sun. Yeah, you just drink that in for a moment. The less said, the better, but suffice it to say that Man-Beast dropped the alter-ego out of sheer embarrasment.
Our sixth (Sixth? Really?) and final (woo-hoo) Hate-Monger is an as-yet unrevealed jackass. This Hate-Monger dressed in an all-white, nazi-ish mockery of Captain America’s costume following the hero’s death. Hate-Monger founded the National Force, a terrorist organization that hunted immigrants along the Texas-Mexico border. He attempted to ally himself with the Punisher, whom he saw as a kindred spirit. Frank had other ideas, however and set about taking down the National Force, their hate wave-radiator and, finally, killing the Hate-Monger himself.
How to make it: This one isn’t as tough as it sounds, which is pretty tough when you consider that you’re dealing with a character who sometimes wears swastikas and is an alias for super-Hitler. Really, any of these version can be made as is, save for the Hitler verson or the modern character. Obviously, the classic one can’t be un-masked or have an alternate head. Give him the backstory of any of the other versions on the back of the figure card and this one can be done. The modern version is gonna take some tinkering. The chest swastika has to go. Going with the rest of the mock-Captain America motif, just give him a black star on his chest. It’s really not that difficult a figure to market as long as Hitler isn’t mentioned.
Which version of Hate-Monger do you most want made for Marvel Legends?
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