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Ask Matty – 2/14/9

mattel.gifBecause it is Valentine’s Day and Matty loves us so much, he and Toy Guru have rushed back from the New York Comic Con to answer your latest questions!

*Please note that these questions were submitted prior to NYCC.

1. Will the DCUC Hawkgirl be Harley Quinn sized or Wonder Woman sized? Will Hawkgirl be shrunk down so she’s shorter than Wonder Woman, starting a new female base body for shorter girls, like Black Canary and Batgirl, or will she be OVERsized at Wonder Woman’s (and sadly Big Barda’s) height?

We are hoping Hawkgirl will come out a bit smaller but she does share parts with existing female figures.

2. With the success of Skeletor, He-man and Beast man, what are the chances of moving to two figures per month? This would be more cost effective for shipping. If you would consider it, when is likely to be the earliest?

We are looking at doing more then one figure a month in the future. It will take about 5 or 6 months worth of sell out figures for us to move forward with something like this. If we do, the second figure will likely be a repaint (such as in mini comic colors, we would never do a figure in techno dance colors just to do a repaint) or a key re-release such as getting both He-Man and Skeletor out again.

3. The Super Powers line up is inching closer and closer to completion, I have a question about one of the characters that has yet to be done: how do you plan on executing Plastic Man (or Elongated Man for that matter)? As a C&C with lots of stretchy, swappable parts, or as a regular figure?

We do have some fantastic plans for Plastic Man but it is too early to announce anything quite yet.

4. Metron is a very important New Gods character and is essential for the DCUC line, but he needs his Mobius Chair. How do you plan on releasing this figure and his very important accessory?

It is possible we would release Metron with a Chair on This is one of the main reasons we started the website, to create versions of figures that might now work as well at retail do to both character selection and package size!

5. So… when are we going to get at least one member of EVERY new Lantern Corp? We have green and yellow, but now there is red, blue, orange, indigo, the Star Sapphires and BLACK lanterns! Care to get our hopes up for these awesome new Corps?

We are actively working on this. But keep in mind that figures coming out now were slotted in over 14 months ago, so as new characters appear in the DCU, it takes some time before they can hit shelves.

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