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NYCC 2008 – Mattel DC Report

{mosimage}You’ve got to love Mattel.  Not only do they put together a great panel discussion (reps from Mattel, the Four Horseman, Warner Brothers, and DC were on hand) for their first appearance at NYCC, they shared their presentation with us so we could share it with you!

I’ll cover the highlights here, but check out the additional links below for the full spiel.  All you’ll be missing is Toy Guru’s sparkling commentary.  Keep checking back for links to the albums.  Robo is slacking this year, so it’ll take some time.

The Dark Knight

I missed the first five minutes of the presentation, so I’ve got nothing new for you here.  The presentation says that the unmasked 6-inch Bats is a chase.  They had some of the 5-inchers on display, but nothing that we didn’t see at Toy Fair a couple of months ago.

Justice League Unlimited
: Album

It lives on at Target, and will continue as long as fan demand keeps it alive.  The highlights for JLU fans were Galatea, Captain Atom, and a Comic Con exclusive Giganta, in both normal and 8 inch sizes (in the same package).

DC Universe Classics
: Album

Wave 4 revealed:

  • Cyborg
  • Batman Beyond
  • Captain Atom (plus gold variant)
  • Wonder Woman (plus Artemis variant)
  • Ares
  • Collect and Connect Despero (8.5 inches!), with accessories!

Frankly, I was surprised to get a variant on that gorgeous Wonder Woman figure, and that will be a serious bonus.  Expect Artemis to be a chase variant, while gold Captain Atom to be packed close to evenly with the more widely known silver version.

Bonus wave exclusive to Wal-Mart:

  • Amazo
  • The Atom
  • The Riddler
  • Eradicator
  • Black Lightning
  • Collect and Connect Metallo, with removable chest plate!

Were you waiting for Wal-Mart to dive into DCUC?  They’re going in full-bore, with an exclusive wave.  Mattel assured fans in the audience that they will be easier to find, as this wave will be available throughout the remainder of the year, plus the normal waves.

Two-packs exclusive to TRU:

  • Batgirl (blue / gray) and Azrael
  • Lightray and Orion (with removable helmet)

Mattel revealed the first of two waves of two two-packs each.  With all these twos, I’m wondering if a Two-Face is going to be part of this.  Bats and Azrael were based on fan requests.  Lightray is a new sculpt that got revealed earlier this week, and Orion has a new headsculpt and a removable helmet.

Comic Con exclusive:

  • Lobo, with accessories *and* Lobo’s dog (RIP)

The main man himself will be making an appearance at Comic Con, looking every bit the killer we had hoped he would be.  Based on the Despero body, Lobo will be a looming presence on your shelves.  One question during the panel was whether we would see a brown version of last year’s exclusive Man-Bat – because fans demanded it, we should be seeing a redecoed Man-Bat in a Fall 2009 assortment.

Holy assortments, Batman!  That’s a lot of DCUC coming our way!

DC Infinite Heroes
: Album

I’m getting tired (and I still have pictures to process), so here’s some cut and paste:

  • All new 3 ¾ scaled line
  • Includes singles and 3 packs
  • Singles will have chase figures
  • 54 figures in 2008
  • Exclusive arch enemy packs, Six-packs and deluxe Eight-pack at TRU

Mattel revealed the first wave, which will include as single carded figures:

  • Adam Strange
  • Black Adam
  • Black Hand
  • Guy Gardner
  • Zoom
  • The Atom (Modern)
  • Shazam!

And two 3-packs:

  • GCPD: Commisioner Gordon and 2 GCPD officers
  • Flash: Flash, Mirror Master, and Weather Wizard

For the most part, DCIH will have consistent articulation – 12 POA for males, 8 for females.  As the line grows, articulation is something that they will also look to expand.

Additional Links