MARVEL LEGENDS RAMBLES! I can’t help it if Hasbro decided to debut a whole lotta X-Men goodies. But there’s also Power Rangers, Mezco Dick Tracy, Four Horsemen Father Christmas, McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse and Doom, Jada Cereal Mascots, threezero DLX Black Panther, Bandai SHF movie Carnage and more!
Bandai S.H. Figuarts Marvel Venom Let There Be Carnage

Threezero Marvel Studios The Infinity Saga DLX Black Panther

Jada Toys General Mills Boo Berry

NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Secret of the Ooze Keno with Scooter Tease
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Gold Label Walmart Exclusive Reveals

Four Horsemen 2022 Holiday Figura Obscura Father Christmas

Fresh Monkey Fiction Naughty or Nice 2022 Collection Mall Santa Reveal
Mezco One:12 Collective Dick Tracy vs Flattop Boxed Set

Hasbro Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers Set

Hasbro Marvel Legends X-Men #275 Psylocke/Banshee/Gambit, Storm/Forge/Jubilee, Blob, Rogue, and Fanstream