The TMNT x Universal Monsters mash-ups continue, and the one I was probably least expecting turns out to be one of the best combinations yet. Let’s take a look at Master Splinter as Van Helsing!
Back when NECA started making Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures, to dream of something like this would have been just that: a dream. A creepy, weird, and far-fetched dream. The TMNT x Universal Monsters concept goes all the way back to the vintage Playmates line, but NECA is really taking it to the next level with the movie-verse approach. Conceptually, the figures seem to be getting better and better with each release, and while Mummy Mike is going to be really difficult to top, Splinter as Van Helsing makes a serious go at it.

We knew that NECA would be taking this crossover past the Turtles themselves with the announcement of April as The Bride (in fact, Judith Hoag was the real catalyst for this), but I have to say, Splinter as the vampire slayer makes so much sense. I mean, I am not saying that means that NECA is tipping their hand about Shredder possibly being matched with a certain famous blood-sucker (I mean, we all expect it, right?), but that would be such a wonderful pairing. Time will tell, but for now we have the ninja master ready to take the battle to a whole new (undead) enemy.

Now, this new mash-up is kind of unique from the previous figures in that Van Helsing is a guy, not a monster. Don’t get me wrong, as legend would have it, he is the greatest vampire hunter ever, but the other figures in the line had the ability to combine turtle aesthetics with monster qualities. So, while Splinter most certainly has wardrobe and weapon options that strongly recall Abraham, Splinter himself mostly remains. In fact, and I find this adorable, he still has his robes on underneath that padded jacket he is sporting. I feel this gives the line a fresh and unique entry that is very different from the rest.

I said adorable above, but this figure has the uncanny ability to be both badass and adorable all at the same time. I am POSITIVE Splinter would not appreciate that, and I don’t mean it in a condescending way, but the small form of a rat meets undead assassin is just something you never thought you would see. I say that fully aware that we are dealing in a line that combines humanoid turtles with Frankensteins and Mummies, but I stand by it. That just means that Splinter has all of the right tools to get the job done, and he is absolutely charming while doing so.

The outfit is very well done, and also nicely straightforward. Splinter sports and fur-lined leather coat, and a sharp fedora (that hides a ninja star in the band). He also sports a pair of glass that, to me, really make the look – but if you don’t like the hat, there is an alternate head without it. He also has a bandolier that can hold some of the many, many weapons that are included, and then also a quiver to hold pretty much everything else. This is all on top of his normal gi and foot wraps that have been retained.

I mentioned the swappable head, but Splinter also comes with several alternate hands, a knife, three stakes, a crossbow, and five separate crossbow bolts. If you know anything about eliminating vampires, you know that many of these items are standard tools of the trade, and all of them look great. The crossbow bolts are my favorite because, conceptually they are the most on-the-now, and in the best way. Three are small wooden stakes, one has a silver point, and other has garlic bulbs in-tow. That last one is by far my favorite and salud to whomever came up with this design (likely James Gorman). There is also a nondescript black stand, but you don’t really need it. So, like all of these figures, there are plenty of accessories to keep it interesting.

Splinter is also very poseable and this figure feels a lot more solid than the previous movie-based Splinter figures. Now, the jacket helps with that. but the legs and feet are also more substantial here, so putting Splinter in a variety of poses is easy, and you don’t have to worry about tiny joints that might be fragile. The double-elbow rig really helps with the crossbow poses, and the wired tail provides a good deal of stability so Splinter Van Helsing can really get in on the action.

Finally, I would be remiss to not mention the box. I generally don’t spend a lot of time on packaging, but Daniel Horne continues to do the paintings for these, and he continues to kick ass. His involvement in a line like this is a perfect marriage, and I have been saving the front flaps just to retain the art. I will figure out something to do with them once they are all together.

Splinter as Van Helsing is a fun and unique entry into the TMNT x Universal Monsters line. As always, NECA has handled the concept and design with unwavering detail, and this figure came together very nicely. It’s a different take than the rest of the previous figures, but I think that is ultimately its strength. This should be shipping soon, and then Donatello (the BEST Turtle) is up next crossing up with the Invisible Man. Then it’s Casey Jones as the Phantom of the Opera. Good stuff!

*Thanks to NECA for sending along this figure for a First Look