I ask fwooshmembers questions.
They answer them.
El Diablo V2 " South Park. Hands down. "
Who is in your avatar?
Bob Saget. I have this strange affinity for him. I used to watch Full House religiously as a kid, thinking he was Captain Innocence, only to find out he’s a dirty perv later in life, much like myself. Me and my buddy even had a hockey jersey with his face on it. He just looks so harmless…
Where do you live?
Philadelphia, PA.
Where do you work?
I work and go to school at Temple University in Philly. I literally do nothing at work and I pwn school as a Political Science major.
I think you must do something at work…
Is it embarrassing or something you don’t want to mention?
I work in an office in between classes at school. I actually do a ton of stuff that I legally shouldn’t be doing at my age/position, but it’s not bad there. Most of the time I’m on Fwoosh anyway.
Who is in you family?
I have my mom and my sister, in addition to a step-dad who brought with him his satanic offspring.
What is your favorite color?
Lime green…but maybe teal.
What do you think of periwinkle?
I think it’s a stupid sissy name invented by the Byzantines in the mid 15th-Century to combat French egotism.
Yes, my awesome cat Xena. My mom named her after [obviously] the show, and the name kind of grew because she’s a psycho. And a lesbian.
What are your future plans?
I graduate at the end of ’09 and I’m planning on going to Law School to become an overpaid scumbag. Maybe I’ll marry my girlfriend, too.
What is the most consistent thing in your life?
Other than the constant defecating due to lactose intolerance, I’d have to cheesily say my girlfriend and my best friend. They’re both pretty awesome and everything I do ends up with one of the two. I’ve had my best friend since I was six and my girlfriend for a wee, but she’s a good kid and I think I’m going to marry her. Seriously though, cocaine. (I’ve never drank/smoke/drugged in my life)…
I actually bought a dremel a year ago to start and some paint, but I can’t get myself to doing it in fear of sucking and ruining my glorious toys.
Do you cook?
Pshh…Pierogies like a monster. Other than that I don’t try…I just end up at Taco Bell all the time.
Do you play an instrument?
Aside from trying horribly to play guitar and drum, I play bass and currently I’m in a death metal band called OGRE Christ.
How long? What does that mean?
I’ve been playing since around 2002. Unless I’m reading the second part wrong, it means I suck way too much to have been playing so long.
Do you sing?
Yeah, I do some clean vocals in my band. I can sing every Backstreet Boys song note for note; sadly, my boy band vocals don’t fit in to well for death metal.
Pimp your myspace here:
The band’s MySpace is www.myspace.com/ogrechrist, but if you’re interested in a more intimate encounter, mine is www.myspace.com/mrfantastic47. The band itself is pretty interesting. It’s death metalish, but not to the point where we write about burning churches and eating babies or vice versa. I’m working on a song right now about the Dark Phoenix Saga, and our first CD is mainly about video games and movies, such as Mortal Kombat II, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Golden Axe, and Jurassic Park. It’s a fun project that I’m very proud of.
Do you play live?
Indeed. I think we’ve played around 10 shows this summer; we’re not playing as heavily due to some line-up changes and fine-tuning we need to do, but we did get to open for a national touring act (Green Jelly) and play at a bar owned by the old drummer for Cheap Trick, so at least I have some cool stories.
Who makes the flyer?
My buddy/drummer Mark. He’s a graphic designer by trade and has endless free time. They’re all actually pretty kickass; the one for our show September 20th features Iron Man, but past ones have had The Joker, Marcus from Gears of War, The Punisher, and more. He’s a big comic-book nerd much like myself.
Who books the band?
Same as above. Too well, I might add.
How many hours do you sleep a night?
Seven if I’m lucky. I usually need to sleep more, but due to anxiety and an over-active mind I can never fall asleep because I’m stressed about if I locked my car doors.
What is in your collection?
I have around 150 Marvel Legends (including sister lines), I have maybe 15 SHS, the Venom Icon, all P1 Street Fighter, sadly every Figure Factory and Mighty Beanz Series 1, some NHL McFarlane’s, those old 3" steel Marvel figures (Heavy Metal Heroes?), and my GIJoe-esque Mortal Kombat and Street Fighters.
Favorite television show?
South Park. Hands down.
How much time per day is designated for socialization?
Considering I don’t do anything at work but that, a lot. Not counting work I’d say around 4 hours a day. I kind of hate people, though, so I like to keep it intimate.
Where do you vacation? Where would you like to vacation?
I recently went to Busch Gardens Williamsburg with my lady, which was glorious, and when I was younger I went to Europe a couple of time. I want to go back to Europe, in particular Rome, I want to go to Canada and back to Busch Gardens.
What other sites do you visit?
TSN.ca for real hockey news, eBay, Myspace ONLY to pimp my band, IGN.com, isohunt.com (for duplicates of things I own…), but never dirty sites. Nope.
What do you spend your money on?
My car costs way too damn much, so aside from that my girlfriend primarily, then toys and food, crack, and hockey equipment.
Why so much love for hockey?
I’ve loved hockey since I was a wee lad. I always liked skating, so combining it with a stick and violent play and I was hooked. I sucked for most of my life…I was only good when I was 9 until just recently when I got good again. I hung up the skates during high school and I really had to re-learn everything, and it took a while to get to a formidable level. But come on, I get to legally destroy people and shoot things at skulls. What could go wrong?
Aside from a mean case of OCD, I’m an @$!%^#*, I’m obnoxious, I can’t help making fun of people violently, I’m overly sarcastic, I’m lacto-s-n-tolerant but I love dairy so I poop too much quite frankly, everyone says I’m a narcissist so I’ll count that, I hear I stink at hockey, I don’t look nearly metal enough to play metal shows, I need to lose a few pounds, I obsess about going bald (even though I’m not), I like wearing teal too much and I hate most people.
Do you think you could beat me in a fight? A fair fight?
I’m 6’4", 234 lbs., but I’ve never fought so who knows. And I always pack heat, so I’d have to bar the "fair" aspect of this question…
Thanks El Diablo!
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