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Hasbro: Star Wars Black Series Gaming Greats Electrostaff Purge Trooper Review

I was somewhat disappointed with the first Purge Trooper release. He came with a couple of the standard Clone Trooper Blasters and I had been hoping for some of the cool melee weapons I’d seen in previews. This new Gamestop exclusing Gaming Greats figure goes a long way towards making my Purge Trooper dreams come true. Let’s take a look!

The packaging is pretty swell. It’s the standard Black Series style with a nice splash of character appropriate color that feel like really makes them pop.

The trooper comes with a long staff and two translucent energy effects. The staff has a nice gun metal finish to it with sharp detail. I think it is slightly too thick for the figure’s hands, but I think the figure still looks good wielding it. I like how the energy effects looks with light shining through, though they are a little loose and was a little frustrating when they would slide off the ends of the staff.

The figure is based on the old Clone Trooper base body which works aesthetically, but can be a little clunky when posing. The head looks like an appropriate re-use of the original Purge Trooper figure head. The game model does sport an extra strap on the left side of the pauldron that’s missing here.

The articulation scheme and effectiveness should be familiar to most Black Series collectors, but I found the limited outward shoulder hinge movement and forward hip movement especially annoying when trying to get this figure into more athletic crouching and staff-wielding poses.

The shoulder pauldron does limit some right arm movement, especially any overhead strike type poses. It’s not all bad, however, as the up/down hinge does work really well in the right hand for some cool staff-holding poses. The Purge Trooper has the following articulation:

  • Swivel/hinge shoulders, wrists, hips, and ankles
  • Double hinged knees
  • Thigh and bicep swivel
  • Ball and socket mid-torso and head
  • Hinged neck

Paint is pretty good here with a lot of gloss black and sharp detail on some of the symbols. I do wish there was a bit of a brighter red on the visor as they appear to have an almost soft glow in the game.

Even though the articulation is a little clunky, I’m still really happy with this figure and had a ton of fun posing him out with his unique weapon. They look great flanking the Second Sister and fighting Cal and I could also see using them as enemies for Ezra and Kanan since they are sort of in the same time period. These are exclusive to Gamestop, but they are a little easier to get than the previous Purge Trooper, who was sold exclusively with the game.

I’m all for more Fallen Order figures and I’d definitely buy the other two Purge Trooper variants (electorhammer and electrobaton) if they made them.