Here is a quick update from about a big
batch of new preorders and more new arrivals. There will be a lot going
on in the next month as manufacturers rush to get everything delivered in
time for the holidays – so be sure to check back often.
Hi – Here is a quick update from about many new arrivals, more new preorders, items ariving soon, and a new sale!
THANKSGIVING SALE: With only a week to go until Thanksgiving, we decided to break out the deals a bit early! We’ve just reduced prices on 140 various overstock or older items. There is a fairly wide selection of items, the bulk of the items are overstock items from Hasbro and Mattel – many items are below wholesale cost. Take a look at the Turkey Sale items using the link below – this sale will run for about 10 days:
Hi – Here is a quick update from about one
of the best new rounds of preorders since Toy Fair, and a variety of new