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Four Horsemen Studios: Mythic Legions Kkurzog

It’s been a bit since we’ve had a Mythic Monday on Fwoosh, but my Siege of Bjorngar wave pre-order recently arrived, so we’ve got some Legions to dig into again. The Siege of Bjorngar wave is the debut of the new Ogre figure for Mythic Legions, so let’s take a look at one of the Ogres, Kkurzog!

Kkurzog (I keep wanting to type Urzokk) comes in a new style window box which features some slick, snow-themed artwork from Nate Baertsch and a large window that shows off the figure well.

There’s also a bio that lets us know Kkurzog is exceptionally brutal and works as a go-between for his people and the Orc generals.

Kkurzog comes with mace that has three detachable staff pieces and pommel so you can choose to make the mace different lengths.

You can make it more of a one-hander with the short handle.

You can also attach the longer handle for more of a two-hander.

One of the handles is double sided so you can combine the short and long handles or both long handles.

If you do heat up and pop off the hands, you can take the forearm armor off, which is a nice touch. This guy feels a little light on the accessory end compared to the regular Mythic Legions figures, he’s more on par with the Troll figures in that regard.

The sculpting on this guy is fantastic as usual. He’s a beefy bruiser and all the muscle and veins are rendered in super sharp detail. I like that there’s also a bit of texture to the skin.

The armor also has a ton of great detail with straps and rivets and horns all over the place. The actual fur loincloth under the super detailed plastic belt adds another level of texture to the figure that I think elevates the figure in general. The 4H have done a great job incorporating soft goods into the line in a way where they fit right and add to the overall look.

The articulation works well and is fairly similar to the smaller figures in the line with:

  • Swivel/hinged shoulders, eblbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles
  • Ball and socket head and waist
  • Swivel thighs

I think Kkurzog gets an impressive range of movement for such a big guy and I especially like how much range there is in the waist ball and socket joint. I’m impressed that the skirt doesn’t really hinder leg movement and the joints all feel super solid.

The paint is also great on this figure with a couple of different shades of green and some nice shading to highlight the muscles. The armor also sports several different metallics and I like how the teeth and horns get a realistic finish as well.

Overall this figure kicks major ass and looks amazing with my Orc/Goblin army and works great with the more fantasy based Marvel Legends. I just wish I had a green troll to go with these guys.