If you’ve been following the voting at FANtastic Exclusive 2007 (http://www.FANtasticExclusive.com) – and shame on you if you haven’t – you know that action figure fans got to choose from such categories as property, character, scale, articulation and accessories and their votes are our command.
The character who’s been chosen to be this year’s exclusive is the massive pachyderm warrior from the Four Horsemen’s property: ‘The Seventh Kingdom’ – The Elephant Swordsman.
What you also may know about this big fella’ is that he’s sporting twin, bladed weapons to do his dirty deeds, and we asked action figure fans to come onboard to vote for a third weapon to be included in the Elephant Swordsman’s arsenal.
That round of voting has long since passed, and the clear and definite winner was the enormous Buster Sword! The only other weapon that came close was the Battle Axe, and it didn’t even get half the votes of the Buster Sword.
The Buster Sword is a large, ornate weapon created by the Elephant Swordsman to honor his ancestors. You can even find some of their remains within the pommel guard and handle of the Buster Sword.
So, without further delay, revealed here for the first time is the fully painted Elephant Swordsman prototype – including all of his bladed accessories!
This bladed badass will be available at the 2007 San Diego Comic Con and online at the Four Horsemen’s very own store – Store Horsemen (http://www.StoreHorsemen.com) for $25.00 each.
Also, as with last years’ FANtastic Exclusive, the Four Horsemen are once again teaming with various retailers, toy magazines and toy news websites to offer amazing variants of this figure!
This time however, there have been changes. They can’t reveal too much about it at this point, but the Four Horsemen say that these aren’t just going to be your average, everyday paint variations. The Four Horsemen want the FANtastic Exclusive concept to continue to grow and evolve, and these variants will be a prime example of that type of thinking!
FANtastic Exclusive – Emphasis on the FAN!