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Hasbro: Marvel Legends Cull Obsidian Series Ant-Man and Wasp

Little Paul Rudd, you guys. Little. PAUL. RUDD.

As sad as I was to NOT see Ant-Man and Wasp show up in latest Avengers movie, I cannot wait to see these two heroes in their own movie later next month. With such close proximity between the release of Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and Wasp, we get this nifty “in between” wave of Marvel Legends that features characters from both offerings, and the largest of Thanos’s “children” Cull Obsidian as the Build-a-Figure. I have to think that it is a sure bet that both Scott and Hope are going to turn up in the next Avengers movie, but I am not sure if the A-M&W movie takes place before or after Infinity War.

Personally, I thought the first Ant-Man movie was a lot of fun. The lighter tone fit the character well, and it did a fine job of introducing the character and giving background to the entire concept of the “super powers,” while prepping Scott Lang for integration into the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe. Plus: Thomas the Train battle. Double plus: Paul Rudd. I am not afraid to admit it: I really like Paul Rudd, and I think he is a wonderful choice for the character of Scott Lang. Now, admittedly, I am a bit of a homer when it comes to him, we both call the same city our home town, and he is still very active here for a lot good causes.

That said, as nice as these two figures are as overall Marvel Legends, the BIG highlight is in the likenesses and the ever-evolving and ever-improving photo real technology used in the “face printing” to achieve near-perfect plastic proximities of Rudd and Evangeline Lilly. While the use of this technique is relatively new (and much needed) in ML’s sister line, Star Wars Black Series, it has been a staple of the MCU characters in this line for awhile. As I said, each new series seems to boast the best likenesses thus far in the line, and personally, I think Ant-Man and Wasp shoot right up to the top of the pack.

Lilly’s likeness is definitely great, and since she is has classic features without any real marks or imperfections to lock onto from a sculpting standpoint, the printing is essential. Yes, of course, the sculpt work is great, but Hope’s real likeness really comes out in the eyes, and that holds true even under the yellow visor panel on the helmeted head. I think adding her new powers with flight capabilities is really going to make the Ant-Man and Wasp team-up dynamic cool, especially when Scott goes into Giant Man form. The helmet and costume look great and are completely appropriate for the character, and you even get swappable hands and a back piece with the wings drawn in/retracted. This really is a great figure.

But as great as Wasp is, it is all about Ant-Man for me, and while I can understand that the non-helmet head might put some people off, but for me is damn-near perfection. Yes, the facial expression is extreme and totally cocky, but man, it is PERFECT for the MCU Scott Lang. I mean, look at is. LOOK AT IT! This is a little tiny Paul Rudd figure, and I cannot help but smile when I look at it. Sure, if you don’t like it, you get the helmeted head as well, so use that, but for me, it is going to be REALLY difficult to display this figure with anything but the Rudd head. I think Rudd’s face is easier to capture in plastic than Evangeline Lilly’s, but with that big side smile, the killed it with this one. Yes, I usually default to a more neutral face in my preference for action figures, but this one is just too great for the character, so I am glad they went in this direction.

Yeah, both of these figures include their Cull Obsidian bits, and thus, indirectly support the release of Infinity War, but these figures have me totally hyped for A-M&W, so roll on the next entry to the MCU. I will admit, I have been waiting out the comic-based Black Knight figure in this assortment for a really long time, but Ant-Man and Wasp are probably my favorite figures in this series after all. We will have a look at all the rest as the week rolls on, but seriously, go to Dorkside Toys right now, and get these two ordered, they are really rad.