Medicom has done gone and lost their minds, soliciting Gwenpool as the first Marvel comic styled character in their MAFEX line. Or maybe I’ve went a little insane too, wanting it as much as I now do.
Wait, would I be wrong in saying this is actual one of the first comic inspired MAFEX figures? Off the top of my head I only remember movie figures, and from Marvel only Spider-Mans and Iron Mans. That may not be right though. If only there were some way, some device, to look up information like that.
Oh well!
I’m still in the ’14s or so when it comes to comics (which is crazy when you say that outloud) so I’m not up on the whole Gwenpool thing. But thanks to summaries and her fashion sense I’m fairly okay with getting her in plastic form. Anything slightly related to Deadpool and I’m there, and I’ll outright admit that the pink is striking and wacky accessories will get me every time.
Everything I just said? Marketing loves people like me. “I don’t know who she is but I guarantee she’ll sell. Get on that, Jenkins!”
It’s very odd that Hasbro’s Marvel Legends version is currently ramping up for distribution and now Medicom is playing the “look over here” game with the same character. Hmmmm.
But like I said, the wacky accessories. They just call out to me. Alternate backpack options? I’m there. I’m betting the sword hilts are fakies in the sheathe. I’m okay with that but I know some take issue.
I think this is where the figure shines though:
I think MAFEX could find a niche here with the cartoon/comic faces. They’ve been improving on their print tech for real-life people but honestly, they’re still struggling. They could swoop in on this side of things and give figma a run for their money, if they play their cards right. I could cram more idioms here but I’ll spare you.
There’s also a scared face, a mask piece to replicate it down, and a cell phone for selfies, along with the usual alternate hands.
For reference, since I was curious if the face was actually based on the art.
MAFEX Gwenpool continues Medicoms practice of long lead times, setting to release in September. She’s also victim to their creeping price tag. For some reason their MSRPs have been slowly rising, this one coming in at about $68. Hurts a little but she’s also packed with some accessories. Or that’s what I’m telling myself as I click the pre-order button.
Slave to the plastic.