Dang it, Medicom. Sometimes I wish you would go back to producing floppy, fall apart, oddly articulated action figures. Because this new trend of knocking them out of the park? It’s hell on the wallet. Take the MAFEX The Dark Knight Rises Selina Kyle 2.0, for instance…
First off, Medicom already took a shot at most of these and missed. I don’t actually own the Selina Kyle 1.0 but from what I’ve heard it had it’s issues. Scrawny, weird proportions, breakage. I never got the first Joker simply because of how it looked in the box. And anyone who knows me knows I rarely pass on a Joker. I don’t think I heard much good about either previous Batman. And I only scooped up the bank robber Joker because it was $25 at the time, and even then I never opened it until last week. So when the Nolan Trilogy 2.0s were announced (and there’s even a 3.0 for Batman) we didn’t know what to think.
We should have thought “Medicom finally has the experience and capability to do it right, pre-order everything!”
This is a comparison from the Medicom blog post comparing 1.0 and 2.0.
It’s few and far between that a company goes “Oh man, the first versions sucked, let’s try it again.” At least not this blatantly. Right, Darth Vader? But here we are. I know we’re only two deep with the new Batman releases but there’s an excitement in the air. At least around me. If Bane, Joker 2.0, Scarecrow, Two-Face, and Batman 3.0 are of the same quality, I need to clear some shelf space. Hell, I’m even giddy about the Joker in police uniform! Can we get a Lucius and Alfred in this line? Please?
Rachel is going too far though.
Medicom also posted a sneak peek look at the upcoming Joker 2.0. At first I was worried, seeing all the dots and pixels in the make-up and face. Noooooo. But then as I calmed down and received a lot of reassuring posts on YouTube, I remembered that most face printing looks like this up close.
So again, giddy.
But my bank account is looking like this.
But back to Catwoman. There isn’t a lot of bad I can point out. The hair kind of gets in the way. The eyes on the masked head is a bit fuzzy. I’m ecstatic to say everything else is top notch. Besides the elbows being a little hindered the articulation is all fantastic. Nicely laid out and intuitive. The sculpted detail is superb. Some still have a problem with the skintone but I’m in love with it and the quality of the print on the features. And most of all, the proportions. Oh man does she look good stand alongside Batman.
I’m having trouble deciding how to display her. It’s a great problem to have.
Hand options:
Broken Batarang:
Batman cowl:
Alternate head: