It seems like every year Star Wars has a pretty big presence on the SDCC show floor with a large pavilion full of cool Star Wars related merch and exhibits. This year the Star Wars Pavilion had a few items that caught my eye. Click through to check them out.
The first thing I noticed were these keen backpacks from loungefly. A little pricey, but the designs are fun.
I was also really fascinated by the props from EFX Collectibles. The helmets are so cool looking displayed together like that and I need a Dejarik table for my reading room.
Fantasy Flight Games had a booth where they demonstrated a couple of their Star Wars themed games. I haven’t played any, but the miniatures from Imperial Assault definitely caught my eye. There were tons of great looking Star Wars miniatures lined up for battle that appealed to my army building brain. I spotted Rancors, Rodians, probe droids, Trandoshans, and Nexu. They even had a Hera Syndulla, though I could not for the life of me get my camera to focus on her.
The X-Wing game also has some beautiful miniatures and it’s so fun to see all these ships from Rebels like the Wookie Gunship, Sabine’s Tie Fighter and Vizago’s Freighter.
The highlight for me had to be the photo op with mannequins of Nien Nunb and a new Abednedo pilot from The Last Jedi, C’ai Threnalli. Nien Nunb is one of those semi-obscure Star Wars characters that I love, so it was cool to get a close up look at his costume. I need a Black Series figure! The whole set conveyed the look of a classic Star Wars ship effectively.