For the first time in ages, it’s time to look at a legitimi … I mean, rea … Well, how about … Transforming transformer!
Transformers, both 3rd party and Takara/Hasbro, have made some incredible figures these last couple years, so much so that it is really hard to keep up. I always try and at least stay somewhat current, but there is just so much product coming that it’s easy to lose track or projects during their maturation.
I think that’s what happened with Supreme Leader. I was aware of it, meant to check back, then the next thing I know, he’s on eBay. JuJiang is a manufacturer that tends to work mostly in oversize KOs, so it’s easy to understand why folks wouldn’t follow it too closely. Supreme Leader is of course based on the original Don Figeroa-designed Transformers Classics Optimus Prime, so at first glance, you might just glaze over it.
Supreme Leader is a bit of sleeper, though. While he is very much a faithful upscale of the voyager figure to a leader-class, there was considerable effort made to make this version an upgrade as well as an upscale.
The first change, other than the size, is the bulk this figure has picked up. Now fitted with die-cast thighs and shins, Supreme Leader really makes the voyager feel incredible small and light. The truck mode is probably most directly lifted from the original, with the panel lines, colors and windows very similar to the Takara model. In addition to the weight, this version also gains a big one for me — rubber tires! The air dam seems to not want to line up flush on every transform, but other than that, it is every bit as solid and slick as the real deal.
Scale-wise he is very close to MP-10, and even looks good with his trailer, though some kind of adapter would need to be fashioned to actually pull it.
Transformation steps are the exact same the voyager, so robot mode is quick and satisfying. When it comes to Optimus figures, I prefer that nice “stand up the cab and unfold the arms” transformations to some of these more elaborate set-ups. Once you get him squared away, it’s easy to see just how huge this figure is as a Leader class.
There are some changes to the mold here, some obvious, some subtle. The new head sculpt wasn’t my first choice at opening, but I have certainly softened on it — it’s very anime, and I think it does suit the mold pretty well. You can see the new die-cast shins here, with the thigh cut relocated to the upper thigh. This was done, I’m thinking, to accommodate the new double-knee joints he has — and those are fantastic. The ankle joints are pretty thoroughly redone, with a big wide pivot, and an interesting application of some rubber pads on the bottom of the feet, which is an awesome idea.
He has new articulated hands and comes with a set of Gundam-like fully poseable ones that you have to de-sprue and assemble. Unfortunately, my standard right hand was short a finger, so I’m using the other ones until I get a replacement. The work pretty well, but I prefer the standard hands for weapon holding.
Another cool feature of this JJ-01 version is that the arm kibble has been reworked. An additional folding panel lets them fold closer to the forearm. There is also a disconnect on these panels that lets you store them on his back, or just put them aside. This was something I thought I would gravitate to, since the original’s arm panels used to bug the hell out of me, but I actually like them better on the figure now, probably in part to the better fit. The pegs on his back to store the panels do work, but they don’t seem to hold super securely — some of this is just because of how beast his joint detents are.
And that’s the biggest positive of this big figure is the overall build quality. The joints are super tight, maybe needing some lubrication or loosening on the elbows, the plastic is solid, and the paint work is as good as any production figure I’ve picked up recently.
Tracking one shouldn’t be too difficult. Your usual KO suppliers like TF-Direct appear be stocking them, and they are popping up on eBay pretty regularly. Prices are starting to climb a bit, but I got mine around $65, and it’s a great value at that range.