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Hasbro: Spider-Man Legends Spider-UK Video and Quick Pics

I’ll admit it. I bought this Spider-Man Legends Spider-UK simply for fodder. See, I’ve had this Astonishing X-Men custom project going for about, oh, ten or more years and finally, finally a seemingly perfect base body for Cyclops comes along. And I had no clue who Spider-UK was in the comics, so even better. So why do I like the look enough now to want to display him simply as Spider-UK?

This was supposed to be easy. Now I have to track down another figure.

It wasn’t just me falling in love with the look either, it was YouTube poster Daniel Craig who told me that this is actually an alternate universe version of a Braddock and is a member of the Captain Britain Corps. That gives me two more reasons to like something, anything. Mention that it involves Captain Britain and the Corps and I’m in. So yeah, now I have a Spider-UK figure on the shelf that I didn’t even know I wanted.

And by the way, it’s not THAT Daniel Craig. I asked. Just to make sure. But even with all that I like to imagine that it’s THAT Daniel Craig, posting away on my FwooshTube videos. Yup, me and James Bond, just like that. Imagine I just crossed my fingers and waved them up in the air while making a snarling yet joyous facial expression.





Possible damage to shoulder balls from torso scrapes:


Potential Cyclops fodder:
