Action Toys continues to roll out their line of Machine Robo figures, which means more updated GoBots for those fans of the simpler, smaller transforming robots of the’ 80s. We’re living the dream.
There is no doubt an entirely different mythology behind these robots if you go by Machine Robo continuity. As of right now, I am unfortunately completely in the dark about the goings on from that point of view. I have full intention of checking out the Machine Robo stuff at some point. But for now, despite these toys carrying the names “Mixer Robo” and “Blackbird Robo” on their packages, to me they are Block Head and Snoop.
It’s no “Spay-C,” but it does the job. Speaking of which, Turbo and Spay-C should be next in line, going by solicits. I guess we’ll find out.
Mixer Robo, or Block Head, is, of course, a cement mixer. I never had his prehistoric version when I was a kid, so this is marks the first time I have fiddled with Block Head. He does a good job bringing that design into the 21st century. The robot mode is very well articulated, with much of the standard articulation points you’ll find on a non-Masterpiece Transformer. Some swivel-wrists would really have added a bit to his knife-posing, but otherwise he move nicely.
He’s a particularly solid, heavy robot due to the addition of the mixer on his back. But the size of his feet means that he maintains a decent balance. Overall he will hold a wide variety of poses without much trouble.
He gets a pair of knives that slot onto posts on his arms.
His transformation isn’t terribly complicated. I’ve noticed with most of these updated GoBots there is a very, very low tolerance for error, meaning you really have to have everything line up juuust right in order to transform them correctly, or they’ll get in their own way. While that means the transformations are a bit more complex than they were in the ’80s, the final product is much tighter than your standard modern Transformer, to a certain degree.
He looks great in mixer mode. I kind of like the blue windows. I tend to go back and forth. I know it kind of kills realism, but so does seeing robot guts through a clear plastic window, so I don’t mind the slightly cartoony aspect of the blue windows here. The mixer does spin, and overall he looks great.
Blackbird Robo, or Snoop is one of those rare lady robots. I know, I can’t tell either, mainly because she isn’t pink. Arcee? Could tell right away. Snoop? Had no clue. Needs roboboobs. I just don’t know. Anyway, the Ess En Double-O Pee wins this round because she carries my favorite color combination of black and red. Anything black and red is immediately better than anything else. Science.
She’s as nicely articulated as Block Head, with a decent range of motion and a solid center of balance that allows her to get into just as many poses. She’s missing the wrist swivels here as well, so that’s probably a point of articulation that just isn’t going to be making an appearance, so I should probably stop mentioning it.
Snoop’s jet mode was finicky as hell in certain places, but she finally snapped into place and looks great. The little inclusion of the flip-out wheel so she doesn’t just rest on her nose is always appreciated.
As far as scale, between the cement mixer and the jet, scale gets chucked right out the window, but this is a property where Scooter the scooter was as big as a space shuttle so … yeah. The robot modes are more in scale with each other than the vehicle modes will ever be, so that’s where a bit of buffer zone will have to take place. Or just leave them in robot mode and stare in awe at the fact that GoBots are getting updated figures. Personally, I’m having a blast, wishing that they came out quicker and waiting for Turbo with painful levels of anticipation.
Block Head and Snoop, Mixer Robo and Blackbird Robo, whatever you’re thinking of calling them, these are well-done figures despite the pickiness of some aspects of the transformations.
Blackbird Robo is selling out fast at Big Bad Toy Store, with only one substandard available as of this writing.
Mixer Robo seems to be selling quickly too, with a single substandard available for him as well. Wow, these are either popular or were made in limited runs.