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eBay Frenzy: Marvel Legends


It’s another cold and dreary Sunday so I’m at home looking at females on the internet! Well, the plastic ones that have been augmented. Bodies being sold for money. What? I’m just talking about custom action figures on eBay!

Today’s foray into the online auction world ended up with me looking at a bunch of female characters that I wish I could have in action figure form. And then of course a few males too. What can I say, I like toys.

I have wanted a Silver Sable for a long long time. Does she just not have enough exposure these days? I can get a Spider-Bitch but not a Silver Sable?


If someone says they don’t want a Squirrel Girl, I usually look at them like they’re crazy. Because they are.


I know we’re going to be getting figures of Netflix Marvel characters, but they haven’t shown a Daredevil yet and I need to see one. Immediately.


I haven’t thought about the Exiles in a long long time so seeing Nocturne made me want her and the rest of the team.


This Psylocke is nice…


…but this is my preferred version of Betsy.


Remember this Sandman costume?


I realize that we probably won’t get a Legends movie Deadpool because of the rating, but to get NO 1:12 scale movie Deadpool from any company? C’mon!


We’re getting Shatterstar finally, but will we be getting more X-Force? Especially ones as crazy 90s as this Feral?


And that’s the bottom line, ’cause Crusher said so! Creel 3:16 says I just absorbed your ass!
