I’m very excited for the upcoming Rogue One and I’m all-in on the Black Series figures announced for the line so far. I seethe with jealousy at each store report where fans were able to buy K-2SO before the September 30 street date. I’ve watched and rewatched the teaser trailer, the sizzle reel, the celebration panel, the teaser for the trailer, and the final trailer countless times. As a figure collector, my mind naturally flies to what else should be made, so here’s my list based on the materials we have so far.
There is a decent amount of Black Series figures announced for Rogue One, including a couple versions of Jyn and Cassian Andor, Murder-Bot K-2SO, Death Troopers, Shore Troopers, and the Evil Director Krennic, which are all set to drop on 9/30 or around there. There is also a decent number of Bandai S.H. Figuarts figures upcoming, like K-2SO, Death Trooper, Shore Trooper, Tank Trooper, and a new version of the Stormtrooper.
The Bandai model kits also have a Specialist version of the Death Trooper.
Honestly, I think I’m in for almost all of it. A weird thing is that based on photos so far, I like the Hasbro version of K2 a bit more than the S.H. Figuarts version due to the more weathered paint job on the Hasbro figure. I may skip the S.H. Figuarts version of the Death Trooper in favor of Hasbro’s and the Model Kit. Here’s what else I’d like:
10. Edrio Two-Tubes
I know what you’re thinking, this guy has the stench of Zuvio all over him. The idea that he’ll be in it for a second, if for that long, is a real danger, but I don’t care because the design is really fun. He looks like a tough SOB. The design screams “Star Wars Bounty Hunter” to me so loudly that I need it. I also like that he’s a mercenary that works for rebel extremist Saw Gerrera because that’s something I’ve seen referenced in Rebels. Cool-toy factor wins out this one.
9. Rebel Troopers
We’ve already seen a wide variety of troops on screen for Rogue One, from the Tantivive IV-style rebel fleet troopers to soldiers that look like Endor Commandos or even color-swapped Hoth Soldiers. We have a ton of Stormtroopers in the Black Series, but not many heroic grunts, and it would make a lot of sense to me to include some Rebel Soldiers in this war movie.
8. Mon Mothma
This is a nostalgia pick for sure. Seeing Mon Mothma show up in the first preview was one of the wow moments of that trailer. As one of the few females in the OT, Mon Mothma always made a strong impression and her canonical appearances have only made her more interesting to me. The costume looks the same for this film as Return of the Jedi, so I’d be good with this as my representative Mon Mothma.
7. Tank Trooper
Yes, I’ll probably buy the Bandai version, but I like to army build and Hasbro is better for that. The design of the armor is very much the same as the shore trooper with a cool new helmet and paint job, so it’s pretty much a no-brainer for Hasbro. I’m really enjoying the trooper designs in this film in general. The tank, which is another cool design, also looks small enough to maybe get one scaled to this line. Maybe? Probably not but I can dream.
6. Pao
Called “Big Mouth” on set, I dig the design of this Rebel Commando. It’s great to see some new alien designs working with the rebellion. I like how he has some missiles on his wrist armor and his giant maw is a cool and expressive striking design.
5. Bohdi Rook
Bohdi is a main character and he’s played by a great actor, but he hasn’t grabbed me yet. He’s this far up in the list because I know he’s a main part of the group, and I have faith that they are going to do something cool with him on screen.
4. Bistan
This guy was the star of Celebration Europe for me. His enthusiastic blaster firing in the sizzle reel made an instant impression. Before he got an official name, he went by the fun moniker of “Space Monkey.” Even more interesting to me is that he’s a practical creature. A performer in the articulated Bistan mask came out and performed the character at one of the celebration panels and was wholly convincing. I love the design, the attitude, and I want to make movies about the adventures of Rebel Gunner Bistan, the Space Monkey.
Saw is a character from the Clone Wars cartoon that is making the jump to live action in Rogue One. That alone would be enough for me, but combine that with the fact that he’s played by the sublime Forrest Whitaker and is wearing some kick-ass armor, and he’s a must have. Unfortunately, the only Saw figure we’ve seen so far is a Funko Pop, so it makes me wonder how much he’ll feature in the film.
From the sense of the design I get from Pop figure, his armor is pretty bad-ass. An interview in EW stated that Saw uses it for flight and for life support, kind of like a Rebel version of Darth Vader himself. Plus, he’s got a robot leg and is wearing a chancla! This may be the first appearance of chanclas in Star Wars and I must support it.
2. Baze Malbus
With his heavy armor and battle-worn gear, Baze jumped out to me early as a favorite design. He, like Edrio and, I think, Saw, scratches that classic Star Wars Bounty Hunter design aesthetic that I love. I could totally see Baze sitting down for a drink with Dengar and Boba Fett.
He also has a kick-ass scene in the trailer where he blasts an AT-AT in the face with a rocket launcher. I hope Hasbro includes the big gun and the rocket launcher with Baze.
“I fear nothing, all is as the force wills it.”
Donnie Yen’s Chirrut has stand-out moments in both trailers, the line quoted above and when he subsequently beats down a squad of Stormtroopers with a simple staff. I’m a huge fan of Zatoichi, so it delights me to no end to see a blind warrior character in a Star Wars movie, especially one played by the supremely talented Donnie Yen.
In some promo material, he’s seen wielding some type of gun that looks like a cross between Zeb’s bo-rifle and Chewbacca’s bowcaster. Hopefully that’s included with an eventual figure. I also think Hasbro needs to really pay attention to making the robes a soft material so we can pose Chirrut in all the beat-down moves we want.
I’m sure I’ll add/subtract characters after the film comes out, but that’s my list for now. Who are you looking forward to?