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The Realities of Being a Wrestling Collector: We Can’t Have It All


I know, trying to apply logic to a sport/hobby that doesn’t always make sense sounds silly, but bear with me.

As a comic book fan/figure collector, I enter into every new line with the full comprehension that it’s not going to be completed. Teams will invariably be missing some key members, others will be ignored completely, and there will be some head-scratching choices that “stole” spots from more deserving characters (looking at you Lantern wave).

Being a wrestling collector is even more complicated. There was a brief, magical time following the folding of WCW and ECW where the majority of those major players came to the WWE. So we actually got a Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Booker T, Lance Storm, Rob Van Dam, Raven, Rhyno, and even Sandman and Sabu in the same style.

Yokozuna figure review Hall of Fame - punching Macho ManSince acquiring the WWE license, Mattel has done a commendable job with its Legends and Flashbacks lines. We’ve gotten a slew of characters previous WWE license holder Jakks couldn’t sign. I still can’t believe I have a wrestling collection with a Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, Kerry and Kevin Von Erich, Sting, and Magnum TA. Not to mention “Macho Man” Randy Savage.

Future figures on the docket — including Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, Harlem Heat, Flyin Brian, and Tatanka — only further the case to be made that Mattel is making the definitive wrestling collection. At this point, Mattel has covered most of the A-listers with just a couple of exceptions.

Even then, there’s that nagging sense that this line is destined to never fully feel complete. Hasbro could decide today they’re going to finish the Giant-Size X-Men team. In a year’s time we could have either a box set or dedicated wave to complete that team. DC Collectibles could spend two Icons waves to wrap the Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans. It’s largely up to them.

Wrestling collecting is a slightly different animal. Going in, wrestling collectors know there’s going to be certain gaps in their collection. New Generation/Attitude-Era fan? Don’t hold your breath waiting to ever seeing an Owen Hart or Jeff Jarrett figure. NWA more your liking? Don Kernodle probably won’t be showing up at Target any time soon.


From a matter of taste, a Chris Benoit figure would be too much trouble to bother with at any time. Matt and Jeff Hardy’s still being stationed in limbo in TNA prevented us from re-creating TLC matches with The Dudley Boyz and Edge & Christian.

Those are understandable omissions. But there are some that are just completely frustrating. Like Santa Claus, the WWE has a Naughty and Nice list. Superstars and alumni on the nice side get a Legends deal to help keep their name in circulation. The main benefit for collectors is it puts them in the pot for viable figures down the road.

If Superstars make the Naughty List for, say, suing the company for compensation (Buff Bagwell, Powers of Pain, Koko B. Ware), their chances of getting a figure are slightly less than a referee. And not being on the outs with Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, and Triple H is probably a good idea as well.


To further complicate matters, Mattel is still a little gun-shy about going beyond the superstars signed under WWE Legends contracts after the failure of the original Legends line. Fortunately, Mattel does seem willing to experiment with various formats to get harder-to-sell characters to the masses like the Four Horsemen and Heenan Family four-packs and The Rock and Farooq two-pack.

Thankfully, the odds are good to eventually get a Goldberg figure, thanks to his appearance in WWE 2K17. Hulk Hogan has avoided negative headlines following his leaked racial rant resulting in his dismissal from the WWE. With a little more time gone by, a Hollywood Hogan figure wouldn’t be out of the question. Following her death, it’s more likely that WWE will awkwardly posthumously honor Chyna with a Hall of Fame induction, boosting her chances for a figure.

With so many variables in the way from a complete collection, it’s impossible for Mattel to cover them all. Our best hope is that Mattel can just find a way to release every accessible legend and push to get WWE to get some of the most essential blacklisted characters out.

Which legend do you consider the biggest gap in your collection?