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NECA: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Eastman & Laird Foot Clan


Well, you saw the reveal on Tuesday, had your chance to pre-order them yesterday (sold out!), and now we have some early pictures for you!

Yeah, I know, you have seen Matthew K’s awesome pictures already because, well, he did the photography for the actual box for this set! As always, Matt knocked it out of the park, but, having this final product in-hand now, the figures have been knocked out of the park too. Yes, we have been waiting for Shredder, the Foot Ninjas, and the Foot Elite figures for AGES to go with our Eastman & Laird Turtles, but I can tell you it was worth every minute of it.

This set is remarkably well done, and the quality is really, really nice. I mean, the SDCC 16-Bit set is nice, but this is actually even better, with all of the paint applications being on point, the plastic being strong, and the articulation smooth but tight with a great range of motion. The Horsemen did great work on the sculpts for these so many years ago, so they look like the stepped off of the page, but the paint applications are what really drive these home because the two-dimensional style has been recreated here perfectly.


I know, I know, what more can I say about this at this point? This set is awesome, and it so cool that NECA has been able to continue the TMNT legacy they started so long ago. Sure, these releases are confined to the Cons, but the fact that these were available for order is a step forward, and I cannot wait to see what NECA has in store next for the Turtles. This set is going to be REALLY tough to beat!


Here are the pics!

9 thoughts on “NECA: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Eastman & Laird Foot Clan

  1. Sooo happy that they released this set, one small nitpick is that the line work is a tad thicker than on the original prototypes (and consequently the original turtles and april) giving them a slightly less crisp almost blurry feel. It’s a small thing given how amazing it is just to have these guys released at all. Thanks NECA!

  2. April was Baxter Stockman’s lab assistant in the original comics and was saved from the Mousers by the Turtles, so that made sense. Not that I’m against the Utrom/Kraang, just seemed odd.

  3. The same reason why April came with some mousers. It’s just something extra they were able to sneak in.

  4. I want this set, but are they going to reissue the turtles to go with it? I see no reason to get this if I can get the turtles and the secondary market prices are outrageous.

  5. Hate to be nitpicky, but my first and still favorite incarnation of the Turtles is the original comics. The Utroms (which became Kraang in the original show and The Kraang in the new one) were not bad guys; they were good guys determined stranded on Earth but responsible for the mutagen. Not sure why an Utron is included with this pack, unless it’s supposed to be Kraang so that the set can also serve as a cartoon set?

  6. YES! That is the Shredder I have been waiting for. So glad I got this set.

    It would be nice if we got a TMNT Classics styled toon Shredder eventually, though.

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