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Mattel: Masters of the Universe Classics Filmation Beast Man

Beast Man Animated_01The Filmation subscription continues to deliver this month with the flea-bitten fur bag Beast Man! Check out some pics and a brief review after the jump.

Beast Man Animated_02Every other month the Filmation Subscription surprises me with an impressive figure. I’m a big Filmation fan, but I didn’t think I necessarily needed Filmation artist-specific figures … until they arrive at my door step every month and I’m glad I subscribed.

Beast Man Animated_03Accessories

Beast Man comes with two accessories, a shield and a whip. The whip is pretty simple, as you would expect for this style, but it has a nice mid-snap sculpt. The handle is a little small or the hand a little large, so Beast Man doesn’t hold the whip very tightly.

Beast Man Animated_04The shield is kind of neat, though, honestly, I’m baffled by the origin. It looks very Filmation, so I’m assuming someone used it in some episode, but this item isn’t triggering any memory. It’s a typical clip-on shield like you are used to with this line.

Beast Man Animated_05Sculpt

The sculpt is really fun. I think the Four Horsemen do a great job translating the 2D art to a 3D figure. The sculpt is simple but bold, and these guys look great on the shelf together, though a little odd with some of the more detailed MOTUC figures.

Beast Man Animated_19Next to the MOTUC Beast Man, it’s crazy how detailed the MOTUC version looks in contrast to the Filmation. I am a little surprised that the body of the Filmation version was not furry, but it looks right.

Beast Man Animated_06Articulation

Beast Man has standard MOTUC articulation with the inclusion of the wrist hinges and ankle swivels that actually work. Unfortunately, the right ankle is really loose, so the improved posability is offset by the looseness of the ankles.

Beast Man Animated_07Paint

The paint is pretty simple, which fits the style, but the slightest error really stands out to me. There is a little slop of orange on the lips of my figure, but it’s otherwise good.

Beast Man Animated_08Overall

Beast Man is a really good figure that’s only hindered by some bad ankle engineering. He captures the Filmation vibe really well, and now that I have my top three MOTU villains in this style, I’m really happy I subscribed.

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