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Mezco: One:12 Collective Mutant Leader


Today, we’ll take a quick look at the individual release of the One:12 Collective Mutant Leader, released initially as part of the 2015 Con Exclusive set. Let’s see how it stacks up to the more limited version.

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The Mutant Leader is, naturally, based on his appearances in Book 2 of the Dark Knight Returns. Coming in at around 6.5 inches tall, the Leader uses some common lower torso and upper leg parts from Batman, but adds in some very spiky appendages and upper torso. The articulation is still very solid, with a slightly different ankle setup that makes him a little less on the swivel and a little more on the tilt than Batman’s.



The Leader is an impressive chunk of plastic, with sturdy, heavy joints and some subtle paint work. While the Con version has a slightly muddy deco, this one is much cleaner, showing off much shinier pleather pants. Of the 4 Mezco O:12C figures released so far, the Leader is somewhat unique in having the least amount of cloth goods. This makes sense, obviously, given the design, but I bring it up because as a solo release because it inevitably makes this version feel a little spartan.

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To that end, the Leader does add two additional heads and a torch to the crowbar and alternate hands of the first release. He also includes his own unique stand with the same design as the box art, but, like I said, this still feels a little light.

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The Mutant Leader honestly doesn’t need much in the way of accessories, true, but there needed to be a little more something, in my opinion. Maybe some extras for Batman? An exclusive skinny little Mutant thug? Boombox? I’m not sure. But as a solo figure, and compared to that crazy display base (and extra figure) of the Con set, it’s just anemic to me.


The alternate heads are really nice, though. The more standard, spiked snarling head is appropriately menacing, and the busted nose version is just damn cool. The hues on these heads do match up with the Con version as well, just less dirty, so mixing and matching between them is fine. Even the truncheon, simple as it appears, is well-realized and nicely detailed.


So if you happened to snag that exclusive set for it’s initial cost, rather than its current pricing, I would say you probably don’t need the single release. Unless you have to have those extra heads, like me. However, if that option passed for you, this is a definite companion piece for your Batman, and given the likelihood of additional figures from that universe, I expect this figure to be a bit of a sleeper that folks will scrounge for later. Just look around a little on pricing — at this time, there are options out there at less than the $65 standard pricing.
