And here I was just wondering “Since Wonder Man, Captain Britain, and Abomination may replace the older figures on my shelf, I wonder how they compare?” It’s weird how the Internet reads my mind.
Even more weird is how sets of these ended up in the U.S. without any kind of forewarning. Just BAM — here they are, some sets sold eBay. Now the wait to find them at retail or for our favorite online retailers to get them.
Now the comparisons:
There is some part reusage between the Abomination and Rhino BAFs, but there is more new than old. Actually, there are more new parts than I figured there would be.
Wherever these pics came from, I guess they didn’t have the old ToyBiz Abomination. That’s cool because this shot of the BAF with the Face-off and Avengers Hulks gives us enough info to make our own comparisons.
Wonder Man has me excited, but I’m a little disappointed at the same time.
First off, I hate the old figure because I hate that body. Everything about it. Funky texture, weird proportions, too small for Simon. Why are the shoulders coming out of the middle of the ribcage? The new one is weird too, though. I know people have their problems with the Grim Reaper body, but I’m completely okay with that. But the head looks a little big (camera angle?) and he doesn’t have fists. Why does he have grip hands? I know the ionic hands are fists, so there is that. This is going to need to be an in-hand decision.
EDIT: Dave sent along a pic showing Wonder Man with the ionic fists and effects. I like this a lot better.
But Captain Britain …
I’m past the stage of being upset that it’s not the first or second Excalibur costume. I love Brian in all of his different costumes, but I have my preferences. After the initial shock that they didn’t make the exact one I wanted, I looked some more. Gimme. I think this one works too, and even better on the Sentry body than the leaner, longer look of the more classic costumes. The old ToyBiz Braddock? See above. As wrong as it was for Simon, it was even more wrong for Captain Britain.
I grabbed these pics off of the Fwoosh forums, so if they are yours, let me know so I can give you full credit.
EDIT: Pics via Dave Bronx
Also today, an eBay auction for Scarlet Witch shows some closer pics and some different angles. Again in-hand. What?