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NECA: Random Ideas on Aliens Accessories



I think it’s safe to say a this point that Randy Falk and the kids over at NECA are having a good time.

Between a Predator line set to eclipse even DCUC’s number of released waves and an Aliens line that is about to embark on its Kenner roots, NECA’s 20th Century Fox properties are riding high. And now with things like Power Loaders, egg cartons, and, at long last, accessory packs, there’s little I can think of that isn’t possible for these lines. It’s absolutely the best treatment these properties have ever had, and I dare say it’s getting to be nearly as fun as those Kenner heydays.

It might be just a little too soon to start asking for a Dropship or an APC, but I was able to think of some other little treats that could be added to the ranks of the encased facehuggers, chestbursters, and the like that we’re already getting:

Remote Sentry Gun:


One of the coolest set pieces in a movie full of set pieces, there was something truly intimidating and awesome about the pair of these turrets deployed to cover the com room. In a figure display, some of these, with a Marine looming over their laptop controls, could keep entire hordes of Alien figures at bay. Just a few pivot points for traversing, the mentioned laptop, and maybe one of those cool shipping crates, and these would be an excellent way to even those odds.

Interface Consoles:


These are a bit on the simple side but add huge depth to any setup.  Something that has perhaps helped the Aliens movie age more gracefully than a lot of contemporaries is the use of clunky, lived-in style of their tech hardware.  Recently, the big budget survival/horror game Alien Isolation revisited much of that style and used things like these consoles as save-points — a great way to incorporate those game essential features.  And, sure, we could print some of these off on cardstock and set them in the background, but something with some nicely sculpted details and maybe an LED-lit display would be a subtle but effective way to bring a setup to life.

Weyland Yutani Gear:


Likewise, as dumb as it sounds on the surface, How about some nicely done detail pieces like shipping crates, oxygen units, weapons cases, and so on proudly stamped with that Weyland Yutani logo? Certainly, they would be maybe less exciting accessories than most, but as any dio-builder can tell you, it’s the little stuff that makes the difference.

Weapons Packs:

Shockrifle Vasquez's_Smart_Gun

And speaking of little stuff, nothing adds an air of action to a scene quite like extra weapons left at the ready. I certainly wouldn’t object to a few extra of the M41 Pulse rifle, motion detector, or flame throwers that we already have, but this would also be a great way to get something like the Smart Gun, or the newer Shock Rifle from Alien 3.

Stasis Pods:


And lastly, while being one of the larger items on this list, it would be difficult to overstate what a mainstay the old stasis pod is in the Aliens storylines. A couple of these, occupied or otherwise, with some of those previously mentioned Weyland Yutani crates and consoles, and you have a ready-made ship interior right out of the box.

These were just some of the first things that came to mind for me when talking accessories, so I’m sure there’s other stuff that would be just as good to include — feel free to add yours below.