Jim Pansen Creations is back with another cool new custom kit to transform your MOTUC figure into an all new character! This kit can easily transform a Man-At-Arms figure into a classically styled Orc. Let’s take a look!
Orcs are a staple of fantasy literature, so it’s always seemed odd to me that they aren’t more prevalent in the Masters of the Universe franchise.
The kit comes with three pieces: a head sculpt, a belt, and a viscous-looking axe.
The axe is a fun and creative design and shows off the sculptor’s range with depicting a wide variety of materials, including bone, wood, leather, and tarnished steele. Jim Pansen Creations also does amazing paintwork to highlight all of the sculpted detail.
The head sculpt is a thing of beauty. Hideously gross beauty, but a type of beauty. There is so much character in the face between the broken tusk, warts, bulbous pocked nose, and slightly floppy ears.
I’m really impressed with the sculpt and the design is a classic orc. I especially like the the short leather cap he wears as it has a neat medieval flair to it.
The belt is really cool because it’s so large at the front that it almost lends a bit of a thicker profile to the waist and adds a little variety to the MOTUC base-body build.
The belt is also packed with little fun details like the tiny bird skulls hanging from the side, the skull-shaped clasp, and a neat little pouch.
The belt is also cast in flexible plastic so it comes on and off easily in case you don’t want to permanently transform your Man-At-Arms figure into an Orc. Hey, better an Orc than a Snakeman, I always say.
All the parts pop easily on to the base figure, and I think it looks great with zero modification to the original figure. You could probably use a royal guard with some painting or part swapping to make a more permanent Orc, too. These kits do make for a fun entry level project in customizing.
Overall, I’d say it’s another great product from Jim Pansen Creations. Hit him up on Facebook or contact him at [email protected].