Thinking about all the characters I want from the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy got me thinking about who I’d like to see from the other corners of the Star Wars universe. Today I’m going to look at my top ten from the Prequel Trilogy.
Runners up:
Random Jedi
I have a couple choice Jedi in my top ten, but for the most part these guys didn’t make the cut. There are a lot of similarities between these fellows, and I didn’t really connect with a lot of them until the Clone Wars, if at all. Still, they are pretty cool and I’d take a figure of all of them.
There are a couple droid variations I didn’t squeeze into my top ten that would make great figures, like the Super Battle Droid, the Droideka, and the Magna Guards.
10. Jar Jar Binks
Yeah, I said it. I want a Jar Jar Binks figure. Sure, he’s the easy mark and the punchline to every Prequel Trilogy hater’s derisive joke, but I like the fool. Maybe it’s a bit of my contrarian nature coming out, but I can’t help but like somebody so universally derided. The design for Gungans in general make for nice toys, in my opinion. I remember a few Jar Jar figures that had nice texture on the skin and detailed paint work for his skin markings in the 3 3/4-scale line. I think it would look good in the larger scale, and his loose-limbed antics cry for more articulation.
9. Zam Wessel
Zam doesn’t last long in Episode II, but she has a neat design and a Bounty Hunter pedigree that appeals to me. I like her variety of weaponry from long rifle, spiders, and a pistol. Throw in a mask for her shifter powers and we have a winner.
8. Depa Billaba
Wait, what? You put Mace Windu as a runner up and want Depa Billaba? Yes I do. Depa is the Jedi Council member who was Mace Windu’s student and the master of Kanan Jarrus from Star Wars: Rebels. She’s been featured in the Kanan comic and that made me connect with the character and really want a figure.
7. Battle Droids
These bird-like automatons serve as the primary antagonists for our clones and Jedi in the prequels, and that earns them a slot. I already have some excellent S.H. Figuarts versions of this droid, but I’d like to build up an army, and Hasbro is the way to go for that. I had a ton of these droids in the 3 3/4-inch line, and not a one of them was satisfactory, so I’m hoping the larger scale will help Hasbro get them right. This droid is also ready for tons of re-releases with different paint jobs.
6. Phase 2 Clones
We have a ton of the Phase 1 Clone Troopers, but only the one Phase 2 released in a multipack. I’d love to get a few more of the plain ones or some painted with some orange markings to go with Commander Cody.
5. Aayla Secura
I’m a sucker for blue-skinned characters (Nightcrawler is my favorite of the X-Men), so Aayla caught my eye in Attack of the Clones. I really got to like the character in the Dark Horse Comics Star Wars series released around that time as well, being more likable than the main character Quinlan Vos.
4. Padme
She’s one of the main protagonists, so she’s a no-brainer. What’s tough is deciding which versions to make. I’m more partial to the three pictured above. My favorite is probably the action outfit from Episode II. It’s got the great McQuarrie/Flash Gordon feel to it. Please, no bare midriff post-Nexu attack version, though. That part always makes me queasy. It’s the cat scratch from hell!
3. Qui-Gon Jinn
Some actors just work in a Star Wars movie and can deliver any line, no matter how contrived, naturally. Neeson adds so much charm and personality to his role and he’s a clear standout. I’d love to get that Tatooine poncho with him.
2. General Grievous
Grievous first appeared in the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars micro-series and was a total Jedi-killing monster badass. He doesn’t quite live up to that first appearance in Revenge of the Sith or the Clone Wars series, but he has some bright moments, and the design is so damn toyetic with his robotic skeleton and quadruple blade-wielding abilities.
1.Count Dooku
My favorite part of Attack of the Clones is when Dooku chides Obi-Wan saying, “Master Kenobi, I’m disappointed. Yoda thinks so highly of you. Surely you can do BETTER!” As he says better, he smiles and his eyes go wide just like he did in the classic old Hammer Dracula films. This Sith Lord probably gets the most screen time in the Clone Wars series, but Lee’s portrayal of Darth Tyrannus added the touch of old-school British cinema class to the prequels that Peter Cushing added to the Original Trilogy. I’d love for him to come with an alternate Force-lightning hand.
That’s my ten, what’s yours?