New carded images of Star Wars: The Force Awakens Black Series Han Solo, Finn, Flametrooper, and Jango Fett have popped up. Can I have them now? How about now?
The StarWarsBlackSeries Instagram account has posted the pictures and they look pretty good. Well, Jango’s head could be a little more detailed, but we’re used to seeing less paint on the faces. I love the addition of the bloody handprint on Finn’s helmet. The Flametrooper looks fantastic. I am completely in army builder mode at the moment, so let’s see the Heavy Gunner Stormtrooper next!
These are Wave 5 of TFA Black Series. Captain Phasma will also see a re-release in the assortment. It’s scheduled to release late December/early January.
For a rundown of what we’re getting, Wave 3 is:
EP7 First Order Tie Pilot
EP7 Resistance Trooper
EP7 Finn Jakku
EP7 Rey Jakku & BB-8
EP7 First Order Stormtrooper
EP7 Kylo Ren
The Tie Pilot will not have the red stripes like the one that came with the Tie Fighter.
Wave 4 just went up for pre-order on Entertainment Earth and will contain:
EP7 Rey Jakuu & BB-8
EP7 First Order Tie Pilot
EP7 First Order Snowtrooper
EP7 First Order General Hux
EP7 X-Wing Pilot Asty
EP7 Kylo Ren
The Snowtrooper doesn’t have the pauldron like the Toys R Us exclusive.
DorkSide Toys has also posted the case assortment for Wave 6, or 2016 Wave 1, however you choose to track them.
EP 7 First Order Snowtrooper
EP 7 Han Solo
Rebels Kanan Jarrus
Rebels Ashoka Tano
EP4 Luke Skywalker
This wave is also set for January also. So, is it just me, or is this a lot of product to get out in the next month or two? Sure, there is some reissue, but good grief. Four waves?