You knew this was coming, right? I mean, I have been a bit list-happy as of late, and there are few lines out there at the moment that elicit more excitement from me than the Bandai S.H. Figuarts Star Wars line.
Technically still in its infancy, the Bandai SW line has taken collector-dom by storm and has given Hasbro a real run for their money in the 1:12 action figure game. Frankly, I only have two figures from the line thus far (Darth Maul and Jedi Luke), but I am ready to commit to just about anything at this point. I skipped the Vader as he looks a bit small, and I am happy with all of my troop builders from Hasbro thus far, so I have skipped draining my wallet completely army-building with a more expensive line, but I have committed to just about everything else that has been solicited in the Figuarts line so far.
So far, we have gotten a good mix of original, prequel, and sequel(?) trilogy solicits that run the gamut of Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Stormtroopers, to Kylo Ren, so I am very happy that Bandai is not looking to leave anything out. No, I am not a prequel hater, and even though I (obviously) do not enjoy them as much as the original trilogy, I really do like certain parts of those movies, and the character designs are VERY action-figure-friendly (I am sure that was the point), so there are a lot of characters and incarnations I want from those chapters as well. I have put together a very personal top ten list of characters that I would like to see soon the Bandai line. I put some rules in place for myself, so here is how I got to my list, so you have some context.
First: I have not included ANY Episode VII characters. There are some coming already, we know that, and I am POSITIVE that the moment the movie is released, we will see more solicits. For now, since I don’t really know anything about the movie, I want to wait before I start demanding anyone past Kylo, Phasma, and the troopers. Though, I already know that Luke, however he shows up in VII, will be instantly required.
Second: while we only have actual solicited figures through the end of Februay-ish, there have been a LOT more shown at various times and at various shows that should be offered for order very soon. At least I hope they will be offered soon. Now, I have heard that Bandai has a history of showing things that either never come out or are very slow to be released, but they have not really dealt with anything like Star Wars before, so I am going to count on this being a little different and say that we will get everything that has been shown.
So I have not included any figures that we have seen thus far. Some of the figures on this list have only been shown at venues where no official photography has been allowed, but if they are at some stage of development, I am going to take it on faith that they will be released in some manner. At least they better be, right? Additionally, I have also included a list of items that have already been solicited, so you know why those didn’t make the list either.
- Battle Droid
- Clone Trooper
- Kylo Ren
- First Order Storm Trooper
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I)
- Scout Trooper (w/speeder bike)
- Captain Phasma
- Mace Windu
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode II)
- General Grievous
- Luke Skywalker (Episode IV)
- Han Solo (Episode IV)
- Chewbacca
- Jango Fett
- C-3PO and R2-D2 (two-pack, Episode IV)
- C-3PO (Episode II)
- C-3PO (Episode VII)
- Battle Droid (Red)
- Super Battle Droid
- Jabba the Hutt
I *think* that is everything. A Qui-Gon Jinn was also mentioned, but I think that was only from one source and is completely unsubstantiated (and unseen in pictures). If I am wrong, please let me know. So I am really hoping that all of these figures can come out sooner rather than later and we will be on our way to a solid collection. Also, I have left out any other army builders at this point because I don’t hate myself enough to want to build at this price point just yet. I know that is a little quibble, but I have to allow myself some relief at this point, and, really, I think Hasbro has done a great job with the troops thus far.
Anyhow, here is my list:
Like I said, I am not a prequel hater, and neither, does it seem, is Bandai. As such, this version of Anakin is most certainly essential to the line, the story, and the basic mantra that “Jedi make cool action figures.” This is a pivotal time and look for Lord Skywalker, and even if you did not like all of the things that happened in Episode III, you can at least recognize the important arcs in his character that happened therein. Personally, one of the things I want the most from this line is to be able pose and photograph his battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
I know that lead-in version is pretty specific, but let’s face it, no one in the history of Star Wars has worn more costumes than Natalie Portman. At the end of the day, with the exception of posterity, this is the only look that deserves first consideration for a Padme action figure. This is the heroic ensemble that she wore during the fleeting moments of coolness that Episode II had to offer, and from an action figure standpoint, it is by far the best.
Honestly, I don’t think I even need to write anything here, do I? I mean, there are a lot cool Star Wars characters that need the Figuarts treatment, and even while some could not make this list (Akbar, Kit Fisto, Bib Fortuna), Bossk really doesn’t need any justification, does he? I mean, Bossk is a total badass with a design to match, and even though he does have a pretty nice Black Series figure, I am willing to bet that Bandai can one-up it. Plus, getting all of the bounty hunters is going to be a pretty huge thing for Figuarts, so instead of flooding the list with all of them, Bossk will represent them as the first on the list that needs to be ticked off.
Yeah, I know he is called “Count Dooku” more often in the movies, but Darth Tyranus might just be the most “Darth” name after Vader, so that is what I like to call him. Hey, if you don’t want a figure of the amazing Christopher Lee as a Sith Lord, well, you can just go fly a kite, because it will be awesome. I love his lightsaber so much, and since we have already seen Episode II Obi-Wan, we need Chris to teach him a lesson. They are in the same “Jedi lineage,” and getting all of the Sith from the movies is a rather big deal to me. Plus: FORCE LIGHTNING! He did it the best.
As I said in the opening salvo, I have a very strong desire to get as many Jedi from this line as possible. Even the D-list guys will make for some killer action figures, and if I missed anything in the prequels, it was more Jedi being badass Jedi. That said, I dig Qui-Gon, and I know there are people who don’t agree, but he has a great look, he adds a lot of characterization to my favorite Star Wars character (Obi-Wan), and he is frikkin’ Liam Neeson. Plus, we have Darth Maul, Padawan Obi-Wan is coming, and we NEED Jinn to complete the trifecta for the “Duel of the Fates” match-up. I know there was a rumor that this figure was shown at the Tamashii show, but I need a bit more evidence before he gets pulled from this list.
LIST SPOILER ALERT: I am going to get a LOT of flak for including Obi-Wan twice on this list, but frankly, he requires it. The old Master has been consistently voted as the best Star Wars character ever on, and that is due to the character himself and the combined efforts of Sir Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor. This is the old mentor and sage that put Luke on his path, dueled Darth Vader, and became immortal by becoming one with the Force. In my opinion, he is the best Jedi ever, and he helps complete that core group from Episode IV that is so very important.
Well, well, well, what have we here? We have frikkin’ Lando on this list because it is a damned CRIME that a figure of this gambler does not exist in the Bandai OR Black Series lines. I mean . . . WTF? Lando is one of the best original trilogy characters out there, and he might still have a part to play in the upcoming movies as well. The fact that he has not gotten any representation yet is sad to me, and Bandai can make up for that (over two separate lines) by giving us his most iconic (Bespin) look. We are getting Han Solo (hopefully) soon, so the guy he got the Falcon from is most certainly needed.
If you think this one looks like cheating, it really isn’t. I was thinking about the characters that are essential to this list, and both of these guys certainly deserve a spot. However, Yoda is a very small creature and his action figure would have to match, so rather than take the lame Black Series route and package him by himself and at full price, I am following the footprint of the droids pack that should be coming soon from Bandai. Personally, I think these characters are perfect to put together: they are on the polar opposite end of the Jedi/Sith scale, they had an impressive battle at the end of Episode III, and this set could really be a “Saga” take on them by giving them accessories from a sample of their appearances. Sure, Yoda gets a cane, but also a light saber, and Palpatine gets a cane and saber as well, but also some Force lightning. Instant awesome battle pack.
Have the Haters arrived? Good, good, let the hate flow through you. Yeah, Obi makes the list twice, but he NEEDS to make the list twice. Episode III is my favorite look for Obi-Wan and it is the culmination of his changes throughout the prequel trilogy and lead in to his look in A New Hope. Plus, you could argue that the most important events of Obi-Wan’s impressive history happen while he has this look. Again: I want to recreate the battle with Anakin something fierce, and even though I have a Black Series figure, it was so disappointing out of the box. So, nyah – this is a very important figure to get into the Figuarts line.
So, even though Leia’s mum made this list earlier, I saved this little point for now: Bandai needs to make a female Star Wars figure. Yes, I know Phasma is coming from Episode VII and that is awesome, but let’s give some credit where credit is due. I get that there are not as many starring females within the main universe to make (and, frankly, most of them seem to be from the same family; we will see when Episode VII drops), but the formerly “Princess” Leia is by far the most important of all of them. I think she was constantly underestimated during the original trilogy, and she might just be vindicated soon enough, but I want — nay, NEED – an action figure of her up-to-now most iconic look. Bandai seems to have gotten the long robes thing down with their upcoming Kylo Ren figure, so I am sure the all-white flowing costume from A New Hope will do just fine.
Not-in-realm-of-not-happening supplemental pick: BOBA FETT
Sorry, I could not bring myself to include Boba Fett on this list. It is not that am a hater or anything (though, he has never been one of my favorites), it’s just that, well, it’s Boba Fett. There is no self-respecting Star Wars line in conception that would not include Boba Fett, and Figuarts is no exception. He is going to happen. I don’t have to ask for it because it is just a question of when, not if. And, yes, he stands to be a really cool figure.
This is my list, and I am POSITIVE yours will not be the same, so sound off with who you would like to see the most in the comment section below. Frankly, I will take anyone within reason for this line, so I say bring your best. As I said, I think Hasbro does a good job with the army-builders, so I am not one to run to pay more to build up my ranks, so that notwithstanding, bring them on. Bring them ALL on!