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Tamashii Nations ’15: S.H. Figuarts Star Wars and Avengers

Bandai Tamashii Nations 2015 SH Figuarts Avengers Tony Stark Featured

The Tamashii Nations show is just getting started and we’re already getting leaks of potential S.H. Figuarts figures. Tony Stark, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. Farmboy Luke, Mace Windu, and General Grievous. Jabba? Hmm.

I say “potential” because we have seen quite a few things displayed in the past that haven’t been solicited yet, or have taken a long time to be officially announced. The Figuarts Biker Scout/Speeder bike was shown a year ago and it’s not due until early next year. So take all of this as a teaser to what may come down the line.

It’s great to see Hawkeye in his Age of Ultron gear, along with a fantastic Black Widow! The Tony Stark is interesting. With Bandai’s new face printing technique I’m interested in seeing how these will turn out, and I’m hoping for some close-ups before the weekend is over.

The Star Wars section is once again a no-photo zone, except for the Battle Droid/Clonetrooper display.

Bandai Tamashii Nations 2015 SH Figuarts Star Wars Battle Droids Clonetroopers

Which makes sense. Both a scheduled to release in November.

But there is always a slip of the camera, or background goodies. Take for instance these DBZ displays.

Episode I Obi-Wan is scheduled for early 2016, but the real tidbits are Mace Windu and Farmboy Luke. If you remember, Luke was displayed a year ago at this very same show, but only leaked out to the public because of a sneaky picture.

SH Figuarts Star Wars Luke Han A New Hope

Yeah, that Han is gorgeous too.

Rumors have other figures in the displays.

-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode II)
-General Grievous
-Jabba the Hutt (Episode IV)

I can imagine Jabba being a set piece just to show off other figures, but I would love to see what Bandai could do with the big slug. Grievous would be amazing, and getting some more bang of the buck by re-releasing Obi-Wan with an older looking head seems feasible. OR, a Grievous that comes with a Episode II or III head, like the unmasked Vader with Jedi Luke.

But Mace and ANH Luke being part of the wall art gives me more confidence in their release. Or at least hope that they will be solicited soon. The display from last year had all Stormtroopers on the wall display and official pictures of both the trooper and Darth Vader dropped a week later.

Also of interest is this picture of the Shadowtrooper.

Bandai Tamashii Nations 2015 SH Figuarts Star Wars Shadowtrooper

Again, look to the background. It seems there is a red Battle Droid and what appears to be a Super Battle Droid. Rumblings around the net suggest the red Battle Droid is sporting a C-3PO head.

Initial word was a S.H. Figuarts Jango Fett, but it’s now looking like it’s a Movie Realization. I’m still looking for confirmation. Edit: Apparently there is a Figuarts Jango, and it has both a masked and unmasked head! Also, a Chewbacca with articulated mouth, displayed with Han. And an EPII C-3PO with a red astromech. We haven’t even received official word about classic droids yet and there are now variations? Again, this is word of mouth, so grain of salt and all that.

All of these teases are exciting….from a certain point of view. We still haven’t heard any information about things like Maul’s Sith Speeder, R2 and C-3PO, or even our ol’ buddy Han. Those and more have been displayed over the past year. Set pieces to spice up the display? Hard to tell, but just knowing they have been prototyped makes me giddy.

Hopefully more info and sneaky pictures leak out as the weekend continues.