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S.H. Figuarts: Darth Vader, Stormtrooper and Info

SH Figuarts Star Wars Darth Vader Promo Featured

I missed the new pictures of the S.H. Figuarts Darth Vader and Stormtrooper from the Tamashii Nations show last weekend, but today new promotional images of both were posted, and they are glorious. Well, mostly.

Like with all of these new Star Wars 6-inch offerings of the Dark Lord of the Sith and his troopers, there are good points and a few nitpicks. While I don’t see a whole lot wrong with Vader, the Stormtrooper helmet is a bit cartoony in some shots. Maybe it’s the angle. It almost looks as if it was based on the Rebels cartoon.

Darth Vader


And here are some shots from last weekends Tamashii Nations show.

It’s in those shots that you can really see with toon flavor of the helmet. I guess I’ll wait and see. It’s also odd to point out that one trooper has black “socks” while the other has white. Two different releases, or just different stages of development?

At that same show there were displays with future S.H. Figuarts Star Wars releases. No pictures were allowed but the internet being what it is, I was able to fish some images from Google.

Wooo, Farmboy Luke! While the Hasbro Star Wars Black Series Han Solo may keep me happy for now, I may have to bite on the Figuarts version if pictures show he’s superior. I’m a sucker like that, especially for 1:12 scale Star Wars. In one of the pictures you can make out the final lightsaber battle in ROTJ, so a Jedi Luke is also seems to be on the way. This confirms (or is confirmed by) this list I was also able to dig up.

~ Dark Lord ~
Darth Vader & Storm Trooper
~ A New Hope ~
Han Solo and Luke Skywalker
~ Sneaks ~
Han Solo and Luke Skywalker
~ Speeder Bike ~
Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike
~ Final Battle ~
Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader
~ Jedi assault ~
Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jin

The “Sneaks” refers to Han and Luke in Stormtrooper gear, which we’re also seeing in future Hasbro Black Series assortments. What excites me most are the characters we haven’t had confirmed by other companies, like Qui-Gon, Padawan Obi-Wan, and ANH Luke. I can’t see myself getting another Scout Trooper and Spedder Bike, I am completely happy with the Hasbro offering. I can see myself replacing my Jedi Luke though.

Argh, so many options. But options are good.  Right? So much money to spend, so little time.