Tony and Nic devour the breaking news (rumors!) on Spider-Man Marvel Legends, equivocate on Hasbro’s SDCC exclusives, and slide down the Game of Thrones rabbit hole (don’t worry–we give you a spoiler warning before going down). And as usual, we touch on a lot of other stuff along the way.
So, why not give us a listen while you’re crackin’ that torso, scouring eBay, or just get comfortable on the couch with a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos, put your feet up and relax. Or you know what? Cheese quesadillas. With salsa. A really fresh, chunky salsa. Mmmm. Perfect. Now I’m hungry.
Keep the conversation going in the comments below, and at the Fwooshcast Facebook Page.
Check in with Nic @FwooshVeeBee and Tony @CostumeContume on Twitter.
**This episode will be also be available on the Fwoosh YouTube Channel and Stitcher*