I said there were more. With this batch we should be caught up with everything that’s been announced except the SDCC exclusive Dr. Strange set and the Amazon exclusive Avengers set. This is still a lot of figures at the factory at the same time.
We finish today’s trip through Hong Kong eBay with the Entertainment Earth exclusive Guardians of the Galaxy 5 pack and the Target exclusive Ultron 3 Pack.
The GotG set has been on pre-order at EE for a while, so if you haven’t put your order in, go do it now. It features comic versions of the Guardians, riding on the success of last year’s movie. Me, I love this set. It’s good to see Gamora’s chastity poncho comes off while leaving the cape and hood.
Now where’s my Adam Warlock?
The Target exclusive Ultron 3 pack has slipped under my radar so far. Just too many toys coming, I can’t keep up. But that just means that seeing it now, I’m excited for it since I haven’t given it a thought. This Vision was part of one of my favorite titles, The West Coast Avengers, and takes me back to a simpler time. I’m not familiar with this version of Hulk so I’m good either way there. But I absolutely dig the Kirby krackle in Ultron’s mouth. He’s once again not a perfect classic rendition but I can’t help liking it.