That’s “Mr. Steakhouse” to you.
Fwoosh has covered the Tiger Force variation of Outback before, one of several Tiger Force versions that have preceded the “regular” versions. This has given many an excuse to skip the variant and wait for the regular. Personally, I’m in for everything. Tiger Force has an important place in Joe history, so I’m hoping Hasbro gets around to the entire Tiger Force group ASAP.

Regular Outback—the one with Survival on his chest—is the one I’m guessing more people are going to remember, or at least have more of an have an affection for. White shirt, red hair, beard, attitude. This is the dude that pulled a knife on one of his own team members, so there’s no shortage of badassery going on here.

Like with Cover Girl, I’m going to talk about the face printing on Outback first. Again, there seems to be something off about it. It’s not as bad as it was on Cover Girl, but there’s a smudginess to the eyes, and they didn’t exactly hit their target. He appears to be looking off to his left.
If you put the newer Outback up against the Tiger Force version, you can see the difference—the printing on the old one is tighter, and cleaner. I hope that whatever has gone wrong with these latest figures is fixed before more waves hit, because the there is a very noticeable dip in the quality.
Outside of that, Outback is another strong figure. That’s not surprising since we knew what to expect, as this is the exact same figure as TF Outback, right down to accessories, all of which can be stored either on his person or on his backpack.
He comes with his main weapon, his sidearm, flashlight knife and shovel. I love being able to store everything on him, and he’s suddenly ready to live off the land. If anybody on the Joe team can eat the things that would make a billy goat puke, it’s probably Outback.
I do not want to know what those things are, but yeah…he could do it.

Since Outback is not encumbered by as many overlays as some figures, he has a bit more range of motion in the torso. The hips—the one area that can be iffy on some of these figures—work great on mine. I know this can sometimes be a figure-to-figure basis, but there has been an upward trend of better working hips.
Once again taking the face print out of the equation this is another in a string of great Classified figures. I never had any version of Outback in the vintage line, so having two makes up for that childhood indiscretion.