After only getting two characters from last year’s top ten and one more on the way, we knew going in that this was going to be a repeat performer heavy list. We did indeed get some repeat members but there were a few surprises inside the top ten as well as a couple of big jumpers who almost hit the list. Let’s check it out!
As always I want to take a second to give credit to the characters who just missed and who could very well end up in the top ten or even our collections next year. Seven votes or less separated them from making the cut. The Mandarin, Exodus, Moondragon, Classic Angel, and Titania just missed this time around. Meggan and Tigra who made this group last year, were both added to our collections this year. Another just missed member, Siryn is also right around the corner.

The ten spot brings us our only tie in the list. Both of these characters make the list with 34 votes and both are long overdue. Looooooong overdue. Hopefully their recent MCU appearances can get us some comic style figures of them. Skurge the Executioner and Monica Rambeau in her Captain Marvel classic look are both big time needs in this line.

Number nine is a first timer to the top ten and made a pretty nice leap to get there. With all the love her X-Force team mates have been getting from the legends team, fellow member Feral would be a great addition to the collection. She gained 35 votes to place in the top ten.

Last year’s number nine finisher jumps up a spot to again make the list. I think she’d fit in nicely in a Fantastic Four retro card wave. Inhuman member Crystal comes in at number eight with 38 votes.

One of the biggest jumpers of the whole vote, the number seven finisher hits the list for the first time with 42 votes. She’s definitely due for an upgrade from her old figure, and I’d love to see how the new Legends team tackles her and her extra appendages. Plus this is one of my biggest personal wants. Spiral hits the top ten for the first time.

Number six is another repeat performer. Just like Crystal she jumps up one spot from last year. Wolfsbane finishes sixth with 44 votes. Some possible re-use with Feral would make sense to get them both out somehow.

Another first timer to the list and one of the bigger gains in votes from last year is the number five finisher. She finished just outside the top ten last year with 29 votes, but managed to gain 47 votes this year. Destiny makes her first appearance in the top ten finishing at number five.

Consistency is a good thing. Finishing in the fourth spot in back to back years is also a big sign that we’re ready for a figure of this character tout suite. Rachel Summers in her Excalibur/Hound outfit comes in again at number 4. This time she gained three more votes to end up with 50. There have been a few rumblings about her coming, so let’s hope she gets announced soon.

He may be number three on this list, but he’s number one in my heart. He finished fifth last year but gained seven more votes than last year to end with 51. You may call it luck, but I say it’s just because he’s awesome. Longshot comes in at number three.

This guy finished in the top ten last year but made a nice jump this year from six to two. He still couldn’t quite finish in the top spot, but it’s a nice finish for a bad guy. There is definitely a big demand here for him as he’s been in the top ten three years in a row now. Brotherhood of Evil member Avalanche again makes the top ten. This year he makes it all the way up to number two with 57 votes.

No big surprise here as we have a repeat finisher at number one. I just feel like it’s long past time the Legends team gets to this guy. He really is the last big giant size X-Men character yet to get made in the new and improved Marvel Legends line. That old crappy one just doesn’t measure up anymore with the awesome stuff they make these days. Banshee finishes in the top spot for the second year in a row with 69 votes.

The build a figure vote was very close as all of the top three were within seven votes of each other. Third place and second place were three spots apart.
Finishing third and second respectively were long time member of this list Lock Jaw with 26 votes and recent big vote getter Mojo with 29.

Finishing in the top spot in the Build a Figure category is repeat winner Blob with 33 votes. Back to back winner would make you think he would be a perfect candidate to be the headliner in an upcoming X-wave. Here’s to hoping because his previous figure is severely lacking and this long time X-Men baddies deserves better.

So there it is. 2022 in the books. I know it wasn’t the most surprising or exciting results we’ve ever had for the top ten, but these are all some much needed characters. Sure it’s X heavy but look at it this way: If Hasbro gets to all these guys and gals this year, next year can be an all new list!
Thanks for voting and stay tuned for some more top tens of your other favorite toy lines.