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eBay Frenzy 08/30/20: Custom Marvel Legends with a Dash of G.I. Joe and TMNT

Not the usual deep dive into the world of eBay customs, but some things caught my eye today.

I just love the Black Tarantula design and have to stop when I see a custom.

It’s crazy how well this Marvel Select Rogue height modification works…

Money throne? MONEY THRONE!

In case you never cared for that Legends Infinity War Captain America head.

I prefer the hair band trenchcoat look, but I wouldn’t turn down this Nomad either.

Prefer a more vintage card art inspired Destro head? Benty has you covered.

The Marvel Legends Iceman looks good with a bit of color!

I dig this Punisher helmet on the recent riders version, but there’s a lot to be said about the actual pics too.

This kit bash Abigail Brand makes me think it’s about time I break down and make one for the X-Men shelf. Nice and simple, nothing wrong with that.

I didn’t know I needed a TMNT vs Predator Leonardo until I saw this auction.