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Best of 2019: NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop and Rocksteady Two-Pack

Ah yes, the “Best of 2019” choice. Like every year, I knew this was coming, and like each year I looked forward to it, and dreaded it all at once.

Like the prior year, I got a LOT of new stuff in 2019, and within that, I got a lot of really great figures. So many companies really brought in 2019, and while, between Marvel Legends and Star Wars Black Series, it felt like Hasbro was releasing new awesome stuff every month (because they pretty much were), companies like Mezco, Super 7, Bandai, Jazwares, McFarlane, and others did some amazing work of their own. Putting together a “top” list is always tough for me because I like so much of what I get, but at the same time, as someone who has a site that does a lot of action figure reviews, you also want to spread the love around when it comes to variety in properties and toy companies. 

I struggled with my Favorite 5 from the Fwooshcast a couple of weeks ago, and past years have taught me that even narrowing it down to a list of ten can be rough for me. So, like last year, I just went for broke again an did my (now) customary collage of favorite 20 releases (see below), and I STILL had a tough time narrowing it down. When I consider some of the stuff that I had to leave off of that, even with 20 picks, it makes me sad because so many things were worthy of rating so high, but I guess you have to impose a limit somewhere.

However, for 2019, my choice for the best release was NOT difficult. Getting some recognition for so many of the releases I truly did love was hard, but I knew that this was my choice for the best of the year the moment I got it. No surprise here: it’s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop and Rocksteady two-pack by NECA Toys.

So much has been said of this, and I have made my contributions, but this set is pretty much perfect. I am SO excited for the TMNT love NECA has been giving the brand, and if what they have been showing, and what is being hinted at is any indication, the doors look to be blown off in 2020. We have had the Turtles and Shredder and the Foot Soldiers and Krang for a minute now, and they are all rad as heck, but honestly, none of them compare to Bebop and Rocksteady.

Yes, these two ugly henchmen have their designs working for them when it comes to interesting action figures, but sculptor Trevor Zammit nailed every aspect of said designs, and the ratcheted it up by also capturing their personalities to a tee. These guys stepped right off the screen down the smallest details (those cell lines are amazing), and you practically hear Rocksteady yell, “Drink blazin’ electric death, Toitles” every time you look at him.

I could go on and on and on, and also mention that I go so many amazing figures this past year, but these two make me so happy, and I was so relieved to finally get them. You can ask Robo, I was freaking out trying to find them immediately. So yes, Bebop and Rocksteady win hands down for me in 2019, and I CANNOT WAIT for the next series and beyond. Bring me Casey. Bring me April. Bring me Leatherhead. Bring them ALL. Thanks NECA, you guys are building a dream here.

Oh, and just because I cannot help myself, like last year, I picked my favorite TWENTY (yeah, it is a bit extra) of the year, so here they are in full color: