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eBay Frenzy 08/18/19: Custom G.I. Joe, Marvel Legends, and Star Wars

I was mowing the lawn. It started raining. You know what that means? LOOKING AT CUSTOMS ON EBAY!

MAN, do we need a new classic Captain Marvel in the Legends line.

I can never pass up looking at a 1/12 scale Snake Eyes. I wasn’t the biggest G.I. Joe fan as a kid, but I watched the cartoon and would do bad things for a 6-inch scale classic inspired line.

Canada Fan Expo is next weekend, I’m hoping for at least one Alpha Flight reveal. Like Aurora here.

I know both ways is correct in some way, but seeing the head painted up like this makes me feel the need for a second Scorpion for the shelf.

Not a specific Star Wars character but this Sith Lord appeals to my grayscale lovin’ heart.

It’s crazy how we have most of the parts to build some characters, like Callisto.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Punisher van, and this one has some nifty features!

I’ll still fight anyone who thinks the Bandai Star Wars model kits are terrible, and they are even better when customized, like these 501st Clones.

Nightcrawler’s body works surprisingly well for Sunspot. We need more New Mutants/X-Force!


This G.I. Joe Duke just looks lean and mean. I’ve seen the head used for this several times before, but this just nails it. It FEELS like Duke!

We’re getting some New Warriors here and there, we need a Bengal. It’s just a striking design that would stand out on the shelf.

Lastly, ANOTHER G.I. Joe! I know, madness! Like I said, not the biggest fan so I’m no sure how accurate this Cobra Air Viper is but it feel right. And the execution is spectacular. The reds and the blues pop, and the parts are integrated nicely.