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Hasbro Star Wars Black Series Rundown 2019…What We Know So Far

It’s a new year, no better time to worry about the money we’re going to need to get all those upcoming Star Wars Black Series figures! Wait, what’s coming, you may ask? Let’s do a refresher!

They may have been trickling out for the past week or so, but I’m still calling Archive wave 1 a 2019 release. Because I don’t have them yet. Neeners. But I have them coming from Dorkside Toys.

Next up we should see the Spring ’19 case containing Han Solo (Mudtrooper), Admiral Holdo, Dryden Voss, Padme Amidala x2, Mace Windu, and Battle Droid x2.

Somewhere past that the deluxe General Grievous should make an appearance. Hello there…

I didn’t know I needed the Clone Wars Obi-Wan in Clone armor until it was shown. Yup, need! I’ll be stalking the Walgreens again. And I don’t mean that as plural, I mean it in the Southern way of “Gotta head to the Walmart.” You know what I mean.

GameStop will be adding to our Rebels shelf with their exclusive Imperial Rocket Trooper Commander.

Not to feel left out, Target has a Trash Compactor Luke of their very own. Not the most exciting but with the new face printing tech I’ll rebuy any and all older figures.

We don’t know a lot about the Summer ’19 case assortment besides the revealed Dr. Aphra, 000, and BT-1.

Could that be where Ezra and Chopper end up?

And finally, as far as we know, Archive wave 2 is later in the year, probably August before the Ep9 blitz in Sept/Oct. Another good batch of redoes and harder to find figures. I wish we could see some articulation (Yoda) and sculptural tweaks (IG-88) in the line too, but I understand the concept. Face print all day, every day!

I’m anxious to get all of these in-hand, played with, and on the shelf, but at the same time there is an excitement for what else we may see at Toy Fair in a few short months, Star Wars Celebration in April (plus the exclusive most likely to be there), SDCC in July, and all the various other shows throughout the year. We’re never happy, are we?