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Top 5: Most Wanted Figuarts Harry Potter Figures

While I’m waiting for my Figuarts Hermione to clear customs in L.A. I’ve been thinking about how many more figures that I can reasonably expect from this line. Figuarts can be unpredictable with their release schedules to say the least. How many do I even really want? Here’s what I came up with for a Top 5.

Bandai has already shown Snape and Malfoy, both of whom would have been high on my list, so I can cross them off.

I do have a couple of runners up to go specifically with Malfoy, his henchmen Crabbe and Goyle.

These two are less fully realized characters and more like Malfoy accessories, but does Malfoy feel right without these two flanking him? I don’t know.

My next runner-up is my favorite of the one-off Defense against the Dark Arts professors, Gilderoy Lockhart. For the most part, I think I want figures to go with the three kids we already have, but Lockhart is from year 2, so he almost fits. I just find Branagh’s performance so over the top and charming that he’s a favorite of mine.

5. Neville Longbottom

Ah, Neville. Poor kid, scared of his own shadow, constantly bullied by his peers, his teachers, and even his grandmother, but still turns out to be true hero in the end. I find his hapless adventures really endearing and would love a figure of Neville to join Gryffindor. The Malfoy figure was shown holding Neville’s rememberall, so perhaps there is one planned already?

4. Minerva McGonagall

Maggie Smith is another great presence in these films and really shines with what little they have her do. She seemed a larger presence in the books, but with Snape and Dumbledore, she formed the core of the teaching staff for these movies in my mind. Especially in that first film.

3. Voldemort

Now, really, if I wanted a Voldemort to go with my existing figures, I should get a Quirrel with the Voldy face on the back, but I’m not super interested in that. Ralph Fiennes’ Voldemort is who I’d really like a figure of, noseless snake-face and all

2. Hagrid

Hagrid could be tough. He would have to be a massive figure, and Bandai has shown they will go there for the right character, but I wonder how they see this line going. Hagrid’s another key character for the story, especially year one and Coltrane kills it in that first movie. The Pink umbrella would be a must.


I find I’m sticking with pretty conventional characters for this round, which is a bit weird for me, but I can’t imagine a Potter line up feeling complete without Albus. I’d probably go with the Richard Harris version to match better with the kids we already have, though I love Michael Gambon. A Fawkes accessory would not go amiss either.

Well, that’s my list of Potter figures, what would you like to see? Perhaps the heroic trio is enough for your taste? Let me know in the comments below or on our forum.