Diamond Select mentioned another Disney Store exclusive Marvel Select recently and everyone started guessing Avengers or Wasp, but it actually makes sense to get another Venom out there. Right?
The movie did really well for what a lot of people thought would be a flop so this comic version rides those coattails a bit without being all “R-rated stuff at a Disney Store????? The gall!” And this is a nifty way to get that last Venom out there without being a straight re-issue. I actually passed on the first one thinking I didn’t need another old schoolish (I SAID ISH!) Venom, even with the Madness parts, but the new heads here differentiates it from other Venoms in my display. Plus this appeals to the “Does it fit in with Legends?” crowd because it’s a symbiote, it can be any damn size it wants to be. Wins on multiple fronts.
The figure is basically that older Venom body with new heads and a couple of more accessories. I don’t know why I’m liking it so much more this time around. Maybe because of the symbiotes we’ve gotten in Legends? I have some, I need more? MORE!
Thanks to Jeb Whitlock for the pics, who found his at the Culver City Disney Store.