Soul Nation 2018 is currently underway and while all these prototypes say “Display Only” I’m hoping we’ll see release dates for these soon. Please?
With Tamashii only showing a few for each property instead of the deluge we’ve seen at other shows, that’s gotta be the case. Right? Right?
For Dragon Ball, we see Android 21 and DBZ Super Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku and Vegeta. Don’t condemn me if I put that string of words in the wrong order. Also here’s Great Saiyaman, who does have a release date.
I’m glad to see Harry Potter isn’t stopping with just the kids. Or at least Bandai isn’t planning to stop with just the kids. This whole “Display Only” thing sucks. Show me cool stuff, solicit cool stuff!
For Star Wars there isn’t actually any surprises. We’ve seen most of these at previous shows. It’s just the fact that Bandai is only showing these few that gives me hope that we see these up for sale soon. The Stormtrooper and Sandtrooper are on the newer Rogue One body, making it more in scale with the overall display. There’s also Dooku, who we already have on pre-order. Then there’s EPIII Yoda with different parts than what we saw at Tamashii Comic Con earlier in the year.
For reference, here are pics of Yoda from Tamashii Comic Con. Different head and robe.